Life After My Love Not Lost- Part 5

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When I read Nathan's text I couldn't help but smile, Nathan and I had been dating 2 year now, he knew me better than I knew myself. He knows how to make me smile, he knows how to make me laugh, he knows my every weakness and he knows my every strength.

I called the hairdresser and found they had, had a cancellation. Coincidence? I went to my appointment and got my hair, nails and make-up done. Once I had done I went home to get dressed, I always struggled to choose what to wear. Nathan never cared but it mattered to me.

Becca- Mum!!

When my mum walked in she gasped at the state of my room.

Sharon- What happened in here?

Becca- I don't know what to wear tonight.

I watched as my mum walked over to the piles of clothes, she started to pick up items of clothing and began muttering to herself.

Sharon- Well?

I looked over at my mum to see what she was talking about. I smiled as she held up an outfit I had never thought of. A blue summer dress and a pair of wedges (See image. This is actually my own outfit which I wore to my grandad's 81st birthday).

Becca- That was the dress I wore the day Nathan asked me to be his girlfriend.

Sharon- Seems fitting you wear it on your anniversary then.

I nodded, before hugging my mum. She left the room and I began to get dressed, I knew I had more than enough time but I needed to make sure the outfit looked good on. I fastened the locket Nathan had bought me for my 16th birthday, I put a pair of earrings in before making sure my hair and make-up where looking good.

I heard the door and voices downstairs so I began to walk downstairs where I saw my parents and Nathan stood waiting for me. Nathan looked up at me and smiled.

Nathan- You look amazing....

He walked towards me, helping me down the final step before placing a single kiss upon my lips.

Becca- Don't look too bad yourself...

We said goodbye to my parents and walked to the car Nathan had hired, the driver opening the door for me as Nathan got in the other side.

Becca- What's this in aid of?

Nathan- Only the best for my girl.

I blushed. He had always had this effect on me. Nathan reached across the seat and held my hand.

Nathan- You know I love you right?

Becca- Yeah, I know you do.

Nathan- And you know I'll do anything to make you happy....

Becca- You're starting to scare me....

Nathan- Don't be, I just want you to know you're everything to me.


Once we were in and sat down a waiter came over to the table and handed us a menu each.

Waiter- I'm Gary and I'll be your waiter this evening. Is there anything I can get you?

Nathan- The wine list would be great.

Gary- Very well sir.

Gary walked off while Nathan and I looked at the menus. When Gary returned he gave the wine list to Nathan who in turn looked before pointing to a bottle.

Gary- I will give you a little more time to choose what you want to eat.

Nathan- Thank you.

Gary once again left us, this time we didn't sit in silence.

Becca- So, what you thinking of getting to eat?

Nathan- I'm thinking.... Spaghetti Bolgnese. You?

Becca- Pizza.... You didn't have to go to all this trouble you know....

Nathan- I wanted to. We've been together 2 year baby and it's been the nest 2 year of my life. Plus I thought after the shock off a few weeks back you deserved a treat.

Becca- Even though you asked me months ago if I wanted to go out tonight?

Nathan- Kill two birds with one stone...

Becca- Cos we're going to save up to get our own place?

Nathan- Yeah, lets go with that.

I mirrored the smile Nathan had on his face. He reached across the table for my hand which I gladly gave him.

Nathan- You're imperfect you know that.

Becca- You don't have to remind me.

It was obvious from the looks we were getting from other diners that they had heard Nathan call me imperfect as they began to mutter to each other and Nathan had obviously become aware of that as he stood up and looked at them all.

Nathan- Have you all got a problem with the fact I called my girlfriend imperfect?

There was no reply from a single person.

Becca- Nathan, just sit down.

Nathan- She loves the fact I call him imperfect... She's not perfect and neither am I and we're both proud of that.... Tonight however... She looks amazingly perfect.

I looked down at the table, a single tear slipped down my cheek.

Nathan- Don't cry baby.

Becca- I'm just so happy.....

The rest of the meal went off without a hitch, as we left the restaurant I noticed the car wasn't there yet but Nathan kept walking while holding my hand.

Becca- Shouldn't we wait for the car?

Nathan- Why? The night's not over yet.

Becca- What do you mean?

Nathan- A- It's summer, B- It's still a lovely evening and C- Why not go for a short walk?

I stopped walking so Nathan had to, he turned to face me looking a bit worried.

Becca- You do know you don't have to take me out and treat me like this. I love you even if we just sit in the house eating pizza, and watching films.

Nathan- But this is more special.

I stepped closer to Nathan, the smell of his cologne filling my nose.

Becca- It's special no matter what we do.... No matter where we are... As long as we're together.

Nathan- Y-Yeah...

Becca- What's wrong?

Nathan- I've just realized that every time I've said you're imperfect I was wrong....

Becca- Don't go calling me perfect mister....

Nathan- But you are. I should have listened to what everyone said when we started to date......

Becca- What do you mean?

Nathan muttered one word before walking off.... Sorry.


Instagram+Twitter- MissBeccaClaire :-) x

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