Part 3

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I lay on my bed for weeks on end barely moving. Not having him hurt so much. He should be here and we should be happy. Why was he taken from me?!

Sharon- Come on sweetheart...

I looked at my mum, dressed all in black, a look of sympathy on her face. Today was the day I had a bid one final goodbye to the love of my life. I wasn't ready for this, my outfit was all ready. I had chose a dress he got me just days before he died.

I was meant to be happy, I was meant to be starting a job but instead I had to turn it down. He had got me that dress for my first day at work, a smart black dress.

Sharon- You have to get up.

I hadn't spoken to anyone in weeks. Why should I? They'd just say I'm being stupid. I saw no reason to be here.

My mum walked into my room, helping me sit up. I just shrugged her off before leaving my room, I heard her sigh.

Jay- She's still not eating?

Bruce- Not since he died.

Siva- She needs to start eating, or..

Bruce- Don't say it. I can't face that.

I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I looked ill. Thin. I wasn't the girl he loved. Once I was washed I went into my bedroom where I saw a bacon sandwich on a plate, it smelt so good. My stomach growled. I stepped closer, my stomach growling ever louder. I couldn't do it. I picked the sandwich up, taking a bite. My god! I'd missed food! I had soon demolished the sandwich and was now standing in front of the dress, the tag still on it. A single tear slipped down my cheek as I remembered the conversation we'd had about the dress.

Becca- It's too expensive! Put it back!

Nathan- No! You got the job so I'm buying you this.

I stood in front of him trying to reach the dress and failing, why does he have to be so god damn tall?!
Becca- If you buy that thing don't expect me to wear it!

I couldn't hold my anger in much longer and he knew it, the smirk on his face showed that. But he knew how to calm me down, all it took was a single kiss. So that's what he done, he leant down and placed a single kiss on my lips which I returned.

Nathan- I am getting you this dress for your first day of work. I'm not taking no for an answer.

So that's what he done. I looked at myself in the mirror as more tears rolled down my cheeks.

Jay- Becca?

I turned round. Jay walked over to me.

Jay- He really did love you, you know. I'd never seen him as happy as he was with you.

I wanted to speak. Tell him how I was feeling but all I could do was sob, I started to fall to the floor but Jay caught me before sitting on the floor and holding me as I sobbed.

Jay- You know he'd want you to carry on. You have to fight Becca.

I knew Jay was right. I just couldn't see what my future held any more.

We were taking a break from the man hunt, we couldn't do that on the day of his funeral. We had been asked by Karen and Phil to Carry the coffin into the church. We obviously said yes. It was an honour to do so.


I wasn't really paying much attention to the service, I just wanted out of here. That was until Becca got up to speak, she stood beside a picture of Nathan, I watched her scan everyone's faces.

Becca- Not many people got to know Nathan very well, he was such a secretive person... But me? I got to know him better than anyone... H-He told me everything...

I watched as Becca began to cry. Siva, Tom, Jay and I all got up and walked over to support her. A clap. That's all it took. Soon everyone in the church was clapping as we walked to Becca. Tom took the speech Becca had written off her and continued on for her as we comforted her.

Tom- Not only did he tell me everything but he gave me everything I wanted and more. He was all I needed to be happy and the only person I had truly loved. He wasn't just my boyfriend but he was my best friend, my soul mate, my every breath and my every heart beat. Knowing I have to carry on without him hurts. It hurts more than I could ever explain.

I stood there listening to Tom continue the speech but out the corner of my eye I saw someone stood at the back of the church, they looked suspicious. I slowly left Becca and the boys and walked towards the person, they walked out the church and I followed.

Max- Hey stop!

They didn't listen, they continued to walk, I don't know where we're going but I wasn't going to let them get away, this could be the guy who killed my friend.

The person eventually stopped and so did I.

Max- Who are you?

Person- You don't need to know that.

Max- Then why were you at the church?

Person- Again you don't need to know what.

Max- Tell me!

They never replied.

Max- Did you kill him?!

Person- No.... But I know who did.

Max- Who?

Person- If I told you... I'll be next.

Max- I need to know who killed him!

Person- The guy who done it isn't a good guy to be around. Your friend got in with the wrong crowd.

What did he mean?

Tom to Max- Where did you go?! Get the the grave now!

I took a card from my pocket, get in touch. Me and my friends are trying to sort this.

Person- Whatever.

They took my card and walked away, I headed to the graveyard, jogging when I saw all the mourners.

Tom- Where did you go?

Max- I'll explain later.

I recognised that guy. He was there when it happened. He watched, he didn't try to help. There was no way I was going to let them get away with this. I'd lost out on everything because of them.

OOOOOOH. So yeah, Nathan recognises of someone who was there when he died! :-O 

Instagram+Twitter- MissBeccaClaire :-) x

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