Life After My Love Not Lost- Part 1

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Okay so the stroy was going to continue a bit differently, but as I was writing the start it seemed like the end so I changed it and well..... Lets see how you all like it! :-)


Life since Nathan died has been hard, I've missed him so much, each day that passed I wished for him to walk through the door.

It's coming up 50 year since I last saw Nathan. Max and I have been married 45 year and we have two children of our own, Michael and Zara. Rory has always known about Nathan and what happened to him, to this day he still goes to Nathan's grave and so do I. I sat at his grave once more, this time as an elderly woman, Max and the children by my side my grandchildren nearby.

Becca- It's mad to think he's been gone 50 year.

Max- He's missed every day.

Zara- Mum, I know we never met him but I feel like I have. You always told us stories of how happy he made you.

Rory- I remember you telling me the story of when you last saw him, how I saw him and you said you'll see him again one day. You will mum, you and dad will be together again.

I looked at Max.

Max- You'll see him again love.

Becca- I know. I still wonder what he would be like today, how my life would be different... How everything would have changed.....


54 year earlier....

I'd had a good night out with my friends, we weren't celebrating anything in particular we were just having a night out.

Siva- Come on mate. There's 4 of us, we can all put some money towards the taxi.

Max had gone home a few hours ago, stupid man couldn't handle his drink!

Nathan- I'll be fine walking, I've not had too much to drink so yeah...

Siva- Don't make me drag you into this taxi.

I sighed, I knew if I didn't agree he'd actually drag me into the taxi. I got in and we headed to Jay's.

To Becca

Hey baby! I'm home bound now. I'll see you later. I just want you know I love you and always have. Since you'll see this and I'll be asleep... Good Morning beautiful <3

I always made sure I text her before going to bed, I wanted her to wake up with a smile on her face, unless I was beside her because that was bound to happen anyway.


When I woke up I saw I had a few texts from Becca.

From Becca

Please say you're okay!

Oh god it was you wasn't it! </3

I love you! I can't believe this! </3

I was slightly confused so I called he, when she answered I could hear her sobbing down the phone.

Nathan- Hey, what's wrong?

Becca- Oh my god! It wasn't him! He's fine!

Nathan- What wasn't me?

Becca- They found a body in the park last night... The police turned up and said they think it's you.

Nathan- No, I'm pretty sure I'm fine....

Becca- I was so worried I'd lost you.

Nathan- Hey. I'm not going anywhere.

Becca- G-Good. I was so worried about you.

Nathan- Look, I'm going to get up, get a cuppa, get dressed and I'm coming to see you. Give me 30 minutes.

Becca- Make it 25 and I'll have a cuppa waiting for you...

Nathan- You my dear know the way to my heart. I love you... See you soon.

So I done as I said, minus the cuppa and headed to Becca's. I hated knowing she was upset. When I got to her house I didn't bother knocking on the door, I always got shouted at if I did.

You see Becca and I had been best friends for as long as we could remember and we'd been dating 3 year. My family loved her and her family loved me, luckily. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Nathan- Hello?!

Becca walked over to me, two cups in her hands, her eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying, I took the cups and set them on the dining room table before pulling Becca into my chest where she sobbed.

Nathan- I'm here. I'm safe.

Becca- I still don't know why they came here...

Nathan- I'll find out.

Well.... What did you all think?! Love it? Hate it?! Would be great to know! :-D

Instagram+Twitter- MissBeccaClaire :-) x

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