Life After My Love Not Lost- Part 6

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AUTHORS NOTE!!!! This part does include some things that most young adults/teenagers go through. It's not nice but I thought it should be in as well we all moments like what is described. It is not written to upset anyone at all and as you will see as I continue to write the story it has a positive outcome for both the main characters. I just thought as I was writing that it would be a good twist.


Everyone was right she was too good for me. I just left her in the street. She didn't know what was wrong. Why would she? I never told her anything. I just left. I had no clue where I was going but I knew I couldn't stay.

From Becca
Nathan what the hell is going on?! Xxxxx

I walked into my parents house and went straight to my room, sliding down the door before anyone could come in. I took the ring from my pocket and looked at it intently.

Nathan- What were you thinking? She could have anyone. Why would she want you?

I locked the door and walked over to the mirror, I took my shirt off, my body wasn't perfect, it wasn't what any girl would want.

Nathan- Why would anyone want you? You're puny. You're worthless. No-one will ever love you looking like this.

I could hear my phone ringing and when I looked at the caller ID it was Becca. I didn't answer I just let it ring.

2 month later (bit of a skip in time compared to other times but if you stay with me you'll see why)

It's 2 month since I saw Becca, I've heard she's not coping. She quit work. She started to drink. Sleep around. Did I still love her? Of course I did but the past few month have just proven she could have anyone she wanted. And she obviously didn't want me otherwise she wouldn't have been sleeping with other guys.

I kept getting texts from her, she was begging me to explain. Her parents and brothers were the same.

From Sharon
Nathan, I'm not mad. I just want to know why you left her. She's a mess. She needs you. If not as her boyfriend but at least as her best friend. She's struggling with everything and I hate seeing my daughter like this. Please just help her.

I sighed, this was the 10th time I had gotten this text from her mum. I finally gave in and replied.

To Sharon
I'll come round at 1pm. Make sure Becca's in.

I looked in the mirror, I still wasn't satisfied with the work I had done/ I was at the gym twice a day, I went for a run every other day and when I wasn't going for a run I was lifting weights in the garage. You could see a change in my body already but would I ever be fully satisfied with the outcome?

When it was 1pm, I knocked on Becca's parents door inside I heard shouting, it sounded like Becca was drunk. Since no-one answered the door, I captiously walked in.

Becca- What do you know?! You don't know how I feel!!

Sharon- No, I don't but you're my daughter and I just want what's best for you.

Becca- I'm only your daughter when it suits you!

Sharon- That's not true!

Nathan- B-Becca?

Becca looked at me, anger evident in her face and eyes.

Becca- Oh look who it is. Mr tiny dick!

Sharon- Rebecca Claire Robson!

Nathan- Sharon, leave this to me....

Sharon- I can't let you put up with this alone Nathan.

Nathan- I caused this Sharon... Please.

I watched as Sharon nodded before leaving the house. I looked at Becca who was in a cupboard looking for another drink.

Nathan- You won't find another drink in there.

Becca stumbled towards another cupboard, not knowing I had spoken to Sharon and she'd gotten rid of all alcohol.

Becca- Where has that bitch put my drink?

Nathan- Out of your way.

Becca- WHAT?!!!!

Nathan- You heard.

Becca- You did this!

Nathan- I know....

Becca- Good!

I looked at Becca, the girl I loved was gone, the sparkle in her eye was no longer there. She was thin, her hair unkempt. I stepped towards Becca, the smell of booze radiating from her.

Nathan- I'm sorry...

Becca- You should be!!! You left me!! Broke my heart!

Nathan- Cos you deserve better. You deserve a man who you can be proud of.

I heard Becca mutter something. Tears stung my eyes but I blinked them away.

Nathan- All I've done lately is hurt you. First by the police making you think I'm dead then breaking your heart...

Becca- On our anniversary.

I nodded, I went in my pocket and got my wallet out.

Nathan- On the day I was going to give you something special....

I removed the ring from where I kept it.

Nathan- On the day I was going to ask you to be my wife...

Becca- And why would I want to marry you?

Nathan- Cos you did love me...

Becca- DID love you... Not any more.

The girl I loved was gone. I placed the ring on the table before I began to leave, I looked over at Becca.

Nathan- I never wanted to hurt you.... I just realised you were perfect, I don't deserve perfect. Keep the ring, it was for you and only you.

I then left, I didn't look back.


He was gone. Gone again. I sat on the sofa. Yes I was drunk but it was the only way to stop the pain. Nathan didn't love me, I know he said he did but I knew deep down he never.

Before long my mum walked back into the house, I looked over before she sat with me.

Sharon- You have to be strong sweetheart....

Becca- He broke my heart mum.... how can I stay strong when the only person I love left me?

Sharon- I know but things will get better.

Becca- It hurts though! It always hurts!

My mum pulled me close, the only thing I could do was sob into my mum's shoulder.

Sharon- I know it hurts sweetheart, but one day the pain will stop and you'll move on to someone who will love you just as much as he did, possibly more.

Becca- There will never be anyone else. He was the only one for me.... For us.

Sharon-- What do you mean for us?

I looked up at my mum, I didn't have to say another word, she knew what I meant and held me tighter.

DUN DUN DUN!! Okay so I'm starting to get into a bit of a routine. Not much of one but it's a start. Haha. 

I'm even thinking of taking my laptop away with me on my birthday since I'm going to be travelling for best part of my 2 dasy away. I can write and write and write on the way to and from Cardiff, and even if I get some time when we're at the hotel. 

So what does everyone think? I know the last few parts haven't really been that long but I'd just been too busy and tired to even think about writing more to each part. 

Instagram+Twitter- MissBeccaClaire :-) x

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