Life After My Love Not Lost- Part 4

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PLEASE NOTE: This was written after working over a week without a day off (that's 44 hours!) also I had a VERY sore ankle, and watching McFLY 10th Anniversary Concert Live At The Royal Albert Hall, and well just generally being an asthmatic in autumn (fall). So I'm very sorry if it'd not very good. It's safe to say I'm tired.

I had eventually told Becca why the police thought I was the victim. Just after the incident I went to the police.

Policeman- Yes?

Nathan- I'm here to report a robbery.

Policeman- Okay, when did this robbery happen?

Nathan- Saturday night.

Policeman- Can you talk me through what happened?

Nathan- I was out with some friends for the night and thought I'd felt someone go in my pocket but I brushed it off thinking it was probably someone walking past, only when I went to pay my friend for my share of the taxi my wallet wasn't in my pocket.

Policeman- And you hadn't noticed when you went to get a drink?

Nathan- It was the end of the night so I wasn't going to buy another.

Policeman- Do you know who may have taken your wallet?

Nathan- I'm guessing the guy who was found on Sunday morning dead in the park.

Policeman- And why do you think that?

Nathan- Just the fact my girlfriend thought it was me who was dead....

Policeman- Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

When the interview was over I still wasn't allowed my wallet as it was evidence. Well this shall be fun, I now have no money, no bank card and no ID. That was 3 weeks ago, obviously I had got a new bank card and ID, I mean I need them but my wallet had something very special in it, but I had to wait until the police had finished with it before I got it back. It was killing me!

Becca- What's wrong?

Nathan- I just wish the police would hurry up and give me my wallet back.

Becca- You've got everything you need though... New bank card, ID and wallet.

Becca didn't know why I needed that wallet back. You see inside the wallet the fabric was ripped and no-one knew it was but me, and behind that bit of fabric was a ring. A very special ring indeed. A ring to make the love of my life mine forever. I had to get the wallet back because that ring was the one for my girl, it wasn't perfect but neither was Becca, in fact they both have imperfections and that's just why I love Becca, cos she's imperfect and she wasn't afraid to show her imperfections. I know most boyfriends would say their girlfriend was perfect but to me imperfection was perfect.

I walked into the police station and spoke to the woman behind the desk.

Policewoman- Yes?

Nathan- I was robbed 3 weeks ago, the police found a man with my wallet dead but I need something from the wallet, it's important.

Policewoman- I'm sorry sir but you can't have the wallet back until the trial is over which I'm sure you already know.

Nathan- Yes but.... I'm going to propose to my girlfriend, the ring I bought was in my wallet as I knew she'd find it if I left it at my parents house.

The policewoman looked at my sympathetically.

Policewoman- I'll see what I can do.

I thanked her before she walked off to find someone in charge who may be able to help. 20 minutes had passed before she came back with my wallet.

Policewoman- I've spoke the officer in charge of the investigation and he said you can have your wallet back they have all the evidence they need.

Nathan- Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.

I took the wallet from the policewoman and opened the wallet, finding the ring where I had left it. The policewoman looked at my face as I smiled.

Policewoman- It's beautiful.

Nathan- So is the girl it's for.

Policewoman- May I ask.... Why this ring? Looking at it I can see the diamond isn't cut perfectly.

Nathan- Cos I've always said to Becca, my girlfriend, I love her cos she's imperfect and when I saw this ring and how it was imperfect it just fit really.

The policewoman had a tear in her eye.

Nathan- That's exactly how she looked when I first told her I loved her for all her flaws and imperfections.

Policewoman- She's one lucky lady.

I nodded, before thanking the policewoman and leaving.

To Becca

Don't forget to be ready for 6:30 tonight! Xxxx

I had planned to take Becca out tonight for months now, and I was ever so grateful the police had finally released my wallet.

So......... Was it as bad as I think or not? I have changed some little details ie the ring not being at Nathan's parents and being in his wallet.

I am going to try and figure out a schedule ASAP!

Instagram+Twitter- MissBeccaClaire

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