Life After My Love Not Lost- Part 7

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It had been a few weeks since I'd seen Nathan, I just wanted him to tell me it was all going to be all right. That he was going to be there for me. But he wasn't going to say it was he? He didn't even know. 

I was sat in the doctors office waiting to be seen, my mum holding my hand.

Becca- I can't do this mum....

Sharon- Yes you can, you're strong.

Becca- What if I've hurt my baby?

Sharon- You'll find out soon when they do a scan. 

I nodded, I was scared. I'd stopped drinking when my mum found out I was pregnant. I should have told him when I saw him. But I knew that if he'd found out he would have stayed and not cos he loved me cos of the baby. I wanted him but not just cos of our child. I wanted him cos he wanted me. 

Doctor- Rebecca Robson.

I followed the doctor, my mum by my side. 

Once the appointment was over we headed home.

Becca- Can you drop me off at Nathan's?

Sharon- Of course. Do you want me to take the scan?

Becca- No, I-I should tell him.... He deserves to know.

I looked down at the scan in my hands. Nathan's house came into view and I began to get nervous. What if he accused me of cheating? What if he says he wants nothing to do with either of us? 

When my mum parked the car I took a second before getting out.

Becca- I'll make my own way home, the fresh air will do me some good.

Sharon- Are you sure?

Becca- Yeah, I'll be fine mum.

I walked over to the door, looked back and saw my mum driving away. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer, I placed the scan in my pocket. The doorknob moving caught my attention, I looked up to see Karen stood there.

Karen- Becca?

Becca- Hey... Is Nathan there?

Karen- He's just popped out, do you want to come in and wait for him?

Becca- Please, I-I need to talk to him. It's important.

Karen invited me and I sat on the sofa, Karen sitting beside me.

Karen- You know he hasn't been the same since things ended with you two...

Becca- Neither have I....

Karen- I know... Nathan told me.

Becca- But I'm better. I need to talk to Nathan though before I tell you...

Nathan- Talk to me about what?

I looked over my shoulder at Nathan, his shirt tight showing his muscles. He'd been going to the gym, that was evident.

Becca- Can we talk.... In private?

Nathan- Sure...

Karen- I'll leave you two alone...

Karen left the room and Nathan sat on the single chair on the other side of the room.

Nathan- So....?

Becca- I don't even know how to tell you this....

Nathan- Tell me what?

I looked up at Nathan.

Nathan- Well?

I went in my pocket and removed the scan, reached across and gave it to Nathan.

Nathan- What's this?

Becca- I-It's our baby....

Nathan- Ha! Good one.

Becca- It's the truth Nathan.

Nathan- Who else was there?

Becca- There was never anyone else. Why would you think that?

Nathan- Cos it's obvious Becca! It's obvious this child isn't mine!

Becca- This child is yours Nathan. Why would I lie to you about something like this?!

Nathan- If this is your way of getting me back then it's a bad joke!

I stood up and walked towards the door. I looked at Nathan.

Becca- I didn't tell you to win you back. I told you cos you deserved to know. I stopped drinking, the pain is still there but knowing I'm carrying your child... That makes it easier to deal with. Everyone has told me to move on from you but how can I? You're the only one for me. You make me... Made me complete. I'll never love another like I love you. 

With that I left. I left him pondering on what I said.


I didn't move when Becca stood up to leave. Instead I stayed still. Looking at the scan. Could she possibly be telling the truth? Of course not! This isn't my child. How could it be? The alcohol has gone to her head. She slept around after we split up. It could be one of theirs. Yeah that's it. It's one of theirs. 

Karen- Nathan?

I looked up at my mum who was watching me.

Nathan- She gave me this....

My mum sat on the other single chair and reached for the scan which I gladly let her take.

Karen- She's pregnant?

Nathan- It's not mine.

Karen- Nathan why else would she come to tell you?

Nathan- To try and win me back. Why else would she do it?

Karen- Cos she wants you in your childs' life. Nathan, I know she's done some stupid things since you split up but she...

Nathan- Hurting I know. She's reminded me before she left. 

Karen- What did she say?

Nathan- That carrying this child makes the pain easier to deal with. That... I made her life complete. That she'll never love another like she loves me.

Karen- Nathan, you can't let her get away. You love her and she loves you. 

Nathan- I loved her. Not anymore.

Karen- Really?

I looked up at my mum.

Nathan- Yes really.

Karen- You keep calling out her name at night Nathan. I've heard you. I've heard you crying.

Nathan- I-I don't know what you mean...

Karen- Yes you do Nathan. Don't give up on her. 

My mum handed me the scan back.

Karen- Deep down I know you still love her, I know you don't want to lose her and most of all.... I know you believe that this baby is yours.

Nathan- I don't mum. I don't love her. I don't care if I lose her and I most of all... Do not believe that the baby is mine!

I got up and left the room, holding the scan picture in my hand. What my mum said got me thinking, of course I still loved her, of course I wanted her in my life and this baby. The more I thought about it the more I started to think about the fact it's mine. I never asked about the due date or anything like that. It could be mine. I could be a father.

Okay so I'm not sure if anyone has seen but I posted an idea for a new story. It's called "Soul Mates" it's a Nathan non-famous fanfic. I'm not sure how it's going to work out but I'm going to give it my best shot.

So go check it out!

Instagram+Twitter- MissBeccaClaire :-) x

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