Life After My Love Not Lost- Part 14

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Okay so I know I only updated the other day but I don't care. I wanted to update and since you've all been lovely I thought why the hell not?!


Before I knew it we were at the hospital in the maternity ward. Becca was in labour. We were about to become parents. This was scary.

I watched as everything happened, it all seemed to be going in slow motion though. Is this what my life was going to be like forever? Were we ready? Would we cope? 

Becca- Nathan!!!

I looked at Becca, who was sweating. I ran over and grabbed her hand.

Becca- We're going to be parents....

Nathan- I know baby... I can't wait to meet her.

Over the next few hours we waited and waited, screamed and cried until it was finally time to push. It was now almost 5am and Freya was finally here. Only Becca became unresponsive. 

Nathan- Becca?!! 


Nathan- Baby?!!!!


The nurse ushered me out of the room. I couldn't see Becca from where I ended up. What was going on?

I paced the corridor waiting for the nurse to come see me. I paced for hours. Not only was the love of my life in there but my little girl was as well. The nurse eventually came out to see me.

Nathan- Can I see them?!

Nurse- Yes, we managed to stabilise Miss Robson....

Nathan- What happened to her?

Nurse- She started to haemorrhage. We almost lost her but she's a fighter.

I almost collapsed, I almost lost Becca again.

Nurse- Take your time then go see them. Your daughter is doing very well, but your partner is going to need some looking after.

I nodded before taking a slow walk into the room where I found Becca asleep. A small cry caught my attention, right beside Becca's bed was a small cot. I slowly walked over to it. A small pink blanket covered her lower body. I carefully picked Freya up.

Nathan- Hello beautiful.... I'm your daddy, and I'm going to make sure no-one ever hurts you. 

I sat on the chair next to Becca's bed holding Freya, looking at Becca, begging her to wake up. 

I don't know how long I sat there for but I eventually heard her voice.

Becca- Smile will you.... We're parents.

I looked up at Becca and beamed. 

Nathan- You've had me worried....

Becca- I'm sorry.... How is she?

Nathan- She's.... perfect.

I watched as Becca slowly sat up and looked at Freya who was fast asleep in my arms.

Nathan- I don't want to put her down, she looks so peaceful.

Becca- Pass her here.....

I gently placed Freya in Becca's arms before sitting in the space beside her.

Nathan- The nurse has checked her over and she said she's perfectly fine. And they said you should be home in the next few days. You just have to rest.

Becca- I don't want to rest though.....

Nathan- You have to. The nurse said the doctor insists you do.

Becca sighed from beside me. I placed a gentle kiss upon her head. As if on cue my mum's head popped around the corner.

Karen- Are we okay to come in?

Nathan- Yeah come on in mum.

In walked my mum, Phil, Jess, Becca's parents and her brothers, all carrying various gifts.

Becca- You didn't have to all bring something.

Karen- Let me see my little granddaughter.

They were soon surrounding us. All gasping and congratulating us.

Becca- Mum, could you do us both a favour?

Sharon- Sure sweetheart....

Becca- Can you go in my bag and get my camera, I want a picture of the three of us.

Becca's mum done as Becca asked and so our first family photo was taken, after that each of our parents and siblings took it in turn to hold Freya and get photos taken.

Jess- She's adorable!

Karen- We're all so proud of you both.

Nathan- Thanks mum.... I must admit I'm super proud of Becca. We almost lost her but she's a fighter and now I have the two most perfect girls ever.


I didn't want my parents to know I had almost died. I didn't want to worry them.

Sharon- What do you mean? We almost lost her?

Nathan- Well erm....

Becca- I didn't want you to know cos I knew it would worry you but...

Nathan- After Becca gave birth she started to haemorrhage. They said we almost lost her.

Sharon- Oh my god, my poor little girl...

Becca- I'm fine though mum.

Bruce- But that's not the point, you should have told us Rebecca. We're your parents.

Becca- And this is exactly why I never told you. You'll worry. But Nathan's been told I just have to rest for a few days. I'm going to be fine honestly.

Nathan- Trust me, she's not going to lift a finger for quite a while.

I smiled, I just wanted everything to be normal but I knew that wouldn't happen with Nathan nearby.

Twitter+Instagram- ItsBeccaClaire x

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