Chapter Nueve: Chao!

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"Hraaaaaahh."I have such a weird yawn but I cant help myself. Waiting for Gavin is so boring. I can't wait to leave and sleep.
"Hurry up Gav! It's in the middle of the night and you're taking forever!"

"Shut the fuck up! I go at my own fucking pace!" He yells back.

Uggghhhh. Man. I can't believe Gav is already going away. He really did heal faster than what the doctors said. And somehow I'm happy about that.

No. I don't mean I'm not happy that's he's recovered pretty quick, it's just that I'm happier than that.

I think I've taken way too much red ice. I haven't but I'm thinking like someone who has. That or I'm just naturally retarded. Which I'm not shocked if I'm both.

"Let's go! I need to get the fuck out of this place." Gavin popped my thought bubble.

"Hahaha, so where are we driving-" without a thought, Gavin snatches the keys and phases into the driver seat. Wow I didn't think he's that fast. "I mean you could've just asked but ok."

"I don't give a fuck. It's my car after all, you're stealing everything I have. First my jacket, now my clothes. What next? My last name?"

My blush darkens in colour and Gavin does the same. I look like a strawberry, cherry, tomato, basically anything that's red or even dark pink. Ugghhh. I hate and love when Gavin does that.

"Forget w-what I said-d."

I enter the passenger seat and stare outside the window, still having my face burning.

A little time skip, like 5 minutes. Had to set the mood.

The ride was quiet. I'm not sure how to feel about it. We kept exchanging glances but nothing was said. Funny thing is that we were still blushing. Gavin is cute when he blushes. I can't help but like him.

I watched as the light rain fall hit the car windscreen, watching the little drops collect and slide down it-

"Tell me about yourself. It's something random I thought of but I kinda wanted to break the silence. I usually like silence but not when it's this-"


I finish the sentence for him. "In a way." He laughs dryly.

"Well.... I'm 27, I like both cats and dogs and I didn't expect to become a detective, surprisingly I did. I always thought I'd be a doctor or engineer or even a photographer. I don't know just something other than part of the the police force."

"That's so random."

"Yeah, literally the first few things about myself that jumped into my head."

"Well I'll follow you. I'm 28, soon turning 29 btw. I love cats, dogs not so much. Umm.... Oh! I blame Sherlock Holmes for making enter the police force."

"I'm sorry what."

"Yeah. I liked reading about him so I blame him for why I'm a detective."

"Hahahaha. No way. Hahaha. That's so funny and amazing and just wow."

"I'm just weird."

"Who said that's a bad thing? You're amazing the way you are Gav."

"Thanks. As annoying and short as you are.. you're amazing two."

I playfully punch his arm, "you're such a idiot."

"I do try my best to follow you."

"The shade. The fucking shade."

"What the fuck?"

I see Gavin roll down his window and stick his head out. "YOU'RE FUCKING LIGHTS ARE NOT FOR DECORATION YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

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