New year special

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She wrapped her hands around Katsuki's neck as they cuddle on his bed. She giggled as she tried to tickle her man, causing him to groan in annoyance.

"What are you doing, dumbass" He mumbled,


"I know that you dimwit. But you also know that I Am not ticklish"

She blushed, 'I forgot'

"Hey Katsu, what are  you planning this night? you know the new year thing?" 

"I don't know, as long as i am spending new year with you" He boldly replied.

Her heart skipped beats, as heat starting to crawl up her face, "Dummy" she mumbled

"What about spending it with Izukun and Kiri-kun? You know Bakusquad and Dekusquad?"

"Wh-what?!" His eyes went wide, "No WAY in hell!" 

"But you said..." she acted that she is going to tear up, 

"F-fucking- alright you dumbuck, I'll call kirishima, Call that nerd"


They agreed to spend the new year at Mina's house. After that, Tamaki and Bakugou went to the grocery to buy ingredients for the food that they are going to share with their friends.

"What are we going to make again?"

"We are going to make some Filipino deserts, okay?" 

She earned a 'yeah' and 'whatever' from Katsuki. She rolled her eyes at his "Katsuki behaviour"

"Stop that" 

"Stop what?" he replied as he smirked,

"Ugh- nevermind" 

She continued to put ingredients in the pushing cart. They arrived at the baking goods section. She scanned for the glutinous rice flour. She found the last one- but a blonde slutty chick quickly took the ingredient out of Tamaki's grasp,

"I'll take this, thank you very much"

Tamaki scanned her, thick make up, a crop top, and a very, very short shorts and some high heels,

'She looks like she just gout out of the bar' Tamaki thought.

She quickly glanced to her man if he is staring at the chick, but no. Katsuki is staring at Tamaki, fighting the urge to punch the chick. 

"That's mine!" Tamaki tried to get the Flour but due to her small height, she can;t get it. On the corner of her eye, shemanaged to see Katsuki walking towards them, annoyed.

"Hi there hottie" The chick said as she tried to flirt with Katsuki,


"Give that to my girl, she grabbed it first" he snarled, tired of walking around.

"Oh this?" she said as she bring the flour higher.


Katsuki cut Tamaki off bye snatching the Flour out of the chick's grasp.

"You owe me a date" the chick winked at him, "I don-"

"How dare you flirt with my boyfriend? You cunt?" Tamaki snapped, "And he will Not, i repeat NOT date a fuck fACELIke you" she sais as she pulled Katsuki out there.

"You look hot when you are mad" Katsuki smierked at her, causing her to blush, "I did't know that you are protective" he added,

"Ofcourse i am, dumbass" she replied, blushing

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