Chapter 25

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The girls stripped out of their clothes as they get ready to bath at the hot springs. 

"Tami-chaaan!" The pink haired girl shouted as she jumped in the water with the other girls.


They started a chicken fight, but a certain brunette girl is just standing away from them. They stared at her, their eyes filled with disgust. "Hey stop that minna" 

Yao-momo looked at Tamaki, "Are yiu okay?"

"Y-yeah i'm fine" she mumbled.


"Hey BakuBro" 

"What is it you weird hair?"

"What are you feeling right now? knowing that Uraraka and Tami-chan are together?"

Bakugou rolled his eyes, "Nothing. Knowing Pink hair can just run fast to get to us, then she should be fine"

Kirishima nodded, not telling what he feels about it.

He feels that something is going to happen at his friend, not only because of Uraraka is around but also because she might trigger something that will make her out of control again.

"What is it now, shitty hair?" Bakugou noticed that he is uneasy.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking" he replied, as quickly.

"Fuck, i know that you are thinking. Thats why I asked you, dumbass"

"Nothing. okay?"

"Ugh- then, wipe out that shitty look in your face"


Meanwhile in the girl's place, Uraraka is still standing awkwardly away from them.

"I'm gonna be back" Said the now gray haired girl and walked away from the group. 

A few mins. later, Uraraka quietly stand up and followed Tamaki.

"Oi." Uraraka's voice sent Tamaki the shivers that she used to feel when Katsuki is angry with her.

"W-what?" she murmured, 

"I won't back down."

Tamaki is debating whether she will use her newly discovered quirk or not. She is not like her boyfriend. She can control her anger issues.

"Back down from what?" Tamaki washed her hands, looking up at the mirror to see Uraraka holding something.

"What-what's that?" she stuttered, feeling scared.

"Oh this?" Uraraka held up the envelope, "This contains what can happen to you, what are your new quirks and the 'antidote'" Uraraka waved the envelope up high, but  what Tamaki know.. It's only a prop.

"Wh-where did you got that?!" Tamaki's voice is now turning distorted. 

"Ohh someone dropped it at my mail this morning"

"G-give me that!" Tamaki tried to get the envelope but Uraraka used her quirk to make it flew up.

"Give me Katsuki first." she sternly said, glaring at Tamaki.

"I-i'dra-rather die. B-bitch"

Uraraka glared at her, taking something behind her- a knife. Tamaki's eyes widened as she gitched. Uraraka quickly charged at her. She reacted slowly due to her constant glitching, making Uraraka hit her right arm. 

"Fu-fuck! Wh-what is wrong with y-y-uo?" she stuttered as her eyes and hair change colors.

Uraraka charged at her again, Tamaki closed her eyes and imagined herself besides Katsuki. She then teleported beside him, making the boys look at her. Some stared because of her cleavage showing and some were startled.

"What the-" Katsuki looked at her. 

Bakugou quickly carried her back inside, not caring if her blood is making his torso sticky.

"What happened?!" 


Bakugou glared, as he sped up to find Aizawa.


Mandalay treated her while Aizawa talked to Uraraka. Mandalay made her fall asleep for her to rest.

"Fuck. Fuck that round face"

"What is wrong with her?!" asks Mandalay,

"Round face likes me. Making her do things to m girl when I'm not around."


Mina stomped towards Uraraka and Aizawa. She slapped Uraraka, not caring if Aizawa will scold her. She just want to let her anger out.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" she said as she twitched in anger.

"Well, she won't give-" 

Uraraka didn't finished her sentence. Mina held her hair, tugging it as if she want's to tear it off of her scalp. "Fuck! it's always Bakugo! Why can't you sink in that small brain of yours that he is TAKEN!" Uraraka stumbled back as mina tugged her hair harder. The pink girl sat on Uraraka as she tugged harder, making some hair tangled and the others pluck out of her scalp.

"That's enough" Aizawa pulled mina back by his scarf, "No! It's not enough!"

Mina tried to slap Uraraka again but Aizawa held her back, "Go back inside, ill handle this"

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