Chapter 53

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Keigo suddenly walked up the stage, smiling.

"Okay! Ladies and gentleman. Before i introduce my adopted daughter, let me just call on a good friend of mine to the stage. Katsuki Bakugo!"

At that moment, shai know that he will be proposing to hanabi now. The enemy. She wants to back out of the plan but she stood her ground and waited, even though it hurts, she needs to carry out the plan first and destroy the enemies.

Bakugo took the mic from keigo, and looked at hanabi's eyes.

(The italics are shai's thoughts)

"To the girl that loved me when i was on my lowest moment"
'I loved you since we were young'
"To the girl who helped me rise again"
'I believed you when you doubted yourself'
"hanabi, you were the greatest gift that I ever received."
'So what am i to you, kats?'
"Will you marry me"

Hanabi smiled and run up the stage, crying.

"Of course! I'll marry you!"

The crowd erupted with claps as they kissed.

After a Few minutes, they go back to their seats. Keigo then go back to the stage.

"Congratulations, love birds! Now now, its my time. Please be quiet."


"let me introduce you to our adopted daughter, shai!"

Bakugo's world turn upside down. What did he said? His adopted daughter? Shai? But shai died years ago... or did she? Bakugo looked up and saw her. Shai, alive and healthy. She didn't seem to be dead. She is supposed to be dead. Why is she alive? He looked around and saw that his classmates and almost all the people stared at them in awe.. he looked at aizawa's table. They didn't seem to be surprised. Did they planned this? They knew that she's alive? He looked at his senpai, amajiki. He.. looked proud? How long are they deceiving him?

"What the actual fuck is this?!" Bakugo frowned, "Ha... are you guys pranking me now? It's not funny. I just proposed to the girl i love and now you're pranking me with my dead lover's what is that? Twin? Clone?"

"Who said that it's funny, kat?" Her soothing voice ringing on his head, "you proposed? Congratulations!"

"You even copied her voice ha,... i told you keigo, its not funny..! Stop playing with my emotions!" Bakugo shouted angrily,

"You guys told us that she's fucking dead! What the fuck is this?!" Izuku stood up, glaring at hawks,

"We mourned for her death! It took years...years for us to move on from her death! And now... you show us this!? Are we just fucking pawns for your game?!" Shoto shouted,

Thank god theres no media in the event. Nor cameras. Only certain people can carry cameras and take pictures.

"Allow us to explain ourselves" keigo started,

"Quiet!" Shai's voice boomed making the heroes shut up.

The event quickly ended after that. Everyone was upset, some of them are crying, mainly tsuyu and the other girls. Keigo pleaded bakugo, shoto and izuku to go to their house. The three was hesitant but they said yes, thinking that their full story might make their mind and heat at ease. The ride back home was awkward, no one made a noise. After half an hour, they arrived at keigo and toya's house. They come in and sat down the couch. Shai waited for a few minutes before speaking up.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault not theirs." She take a deep breath and continued, "toya found my body at the scene. He took me to a hospital but i was dead on arrival. They had to revive me."

The three was shocked, not saying a word, Shai continued.

"I... when my spirit was out of my body, i... saw mina. She isn't happy but she isnt sad either. We talked for months until i was awoken.." she sighed, "Aizawa told me that shiggy is still looking for me so i told them not to tell anyone that i am alive. Ama-nii just found out that i am alive the day of the UA festival."

"That...thats why the room was locked... and they were acting weird...because you were there" izuku mumbled,

"So..." bakugo sighed, "why... why'd you wait for me to propose to hanabi?"

"Because zawa said that you and hanabi were so in love...i... they also said that you moved on and carried on"

"What about you huh? Did you already moved on?" Bakugo scoffed, "and for the record, i didn't moved on. I still love you but.. i also love hanabi... i...i think she's getting upset now. I...i probably should go" bakugo left in a hurry.

"Kat-" keigo stopped her from going, "leave him. He needs time"

Shai looked at shoto and izuku, "you... need to be careful with hanabi"


"she.. she is shiggy's fiance"

They both looked at her, "what the fuck are you saying?" Izuku said,

"I said what i said. The reason why i waited for him to propose was to make more time. Hanabi will take some time to process this, plus shiggy will be angry if hanabi will report that i am still alive."

"So... what is your plan?" Asked shoto,

"To kill shiggy. I know hanabi is very important to him. I know that hanabi is torn between bakugo and shiggy. That is why i need her to be broken because she's shiggy's weakness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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