Chapter 3

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Bakugou opened his eyes, he is still blaming himself.

"Shit! if I was not too focused on staring at round face, none of this could happen!" He shouted at himself, he also couldn't believe himself, HE, the future number 1 hero? Staring at an extra? He must be sick or something.

He let out a sigh of annoyance as he got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. He washed his face then he stared at his reflection, "Im so dumb-- Wait WHAT?!" He growled, thinking what curse did his kozan put on him. "Keep It in katsuki"

He was about to wash his face again until he heard someone screamed. His eyes went wide then rush out of the bathroom, then seeing the poor girl hiding in the blanket, crying. He silently approached her, mentally thanking all might that his parents were not home that night. He lifts the blanket to see Shai hugging her knees. He felt his heart somewhat exploded with sadness; him seeing his soon to be girlfriend in that state. He gently laid her in his bed then he cuddles her,

"What happened?" he said as he lifts her chin up, "I had a nightmare" Tamaki responded as she freely let her tears ran down her face, not even caring if Bakugou would tease her later, "Don't worry, I'm here" Bakugou responded as he pulled her closer. He kissed her forehead before muttering the words 'sorry'. This caught Tamaki off guard, she laid down her head in his chest, her face was noticeable because of the moonlight. Her face shows confusion "For what?" She asked the male, "For Not seeing you disappear right away." She smiled silently, "Its fine Katsu" 

But she knows it isn't? He was staring at uraraka that time so he didn't saw her disappearing. She kept quiet, not wanting to start an argument, 'Probably Katsu would just deny it' she thought,

"Come on, lets go back to sleep. its only 2 in the morning" Bakugou muttered at her. He didn't heard her reply, she was fast asleep, "Night Kozan"


Uraraka was early that day, thinking Bakugou is an early bird. But when she arrived at the classroom, his seat was empty, she sighed feeling defeated. She thought bakugou will arrive later so she sat don beside Deku, then scroll to her Herogram. Few minutes passed, the door opened. She glanced t the door, seeing a certain red haired boy came with the so called "bakusquad", but still she didnt see bakugou with them. She glanced at the clock, only 30 mins. before classes starts and bakugou is not late even once.


"Bakubro!" Eijiro shouted, hearing him, uraraka looked at the door, seeing Bakugou and Tamaki, just came. She clenched her fists, not knowing that Midorya is looking at her confused,

"Morning Kiri!" Tamaki said Bakugou flicked her forehead, him slightly feeling jealous, "Owieee you are mean, Katsu" Tamaki said as she hides behind Eijiro, "Please protect me!"

Bakugou's eye twitched as his Kozan being annoying, "Yes I must protect you from this beast!" Eijiro played with her, Bakugou growled, the two shivered, "Bakugou is going to kill you! Ruuuun!" Mina shouted laughing her ass off. Tamaki's eyes went wide then quickly rush out screaming like an 8 year old girl . The Bakusquad stared as Bakugou and Eijiro had an intense staring showdown, "Ah-ahh bakubrooo don't kill me" begged his best friend, "SHUT IT SHITTY HAIR!"

Bakugou growled before igniting his palms with his quirk ready to burn Eijiro, "Get Tami-Chan before the class starts," Mina suggested, Bakugou being still scared shitless on what happened the night before, quickly rush out after Mina told him that. He was still scared and angry at the same time thinking other boys touching his kozan's body with their filthy hands. He finally found her, sitting at the benches inside the school, "You idiot, making me worry." he mumbled, walking to her, 

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