Chapter 35

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Izuku stared at his phone, thinking why? why would she message him? why would she message Izuku and not her boyfriend?

Izuku just shakes his head, typing.


Fine, I'll go. But please explain what happened to you,
okay? I love you, I'll see you later.


"Where are you going?"

Izuku frozed, "U-uh.. I'm going to buy some things, Kirishima-kun" he replied, looking away from him.

Eijiro smiled at him, "Okay, Take care"


Izuku bit his lip, his hands shaking. He mentaly sighed, 'Why am I afraid, It's not like she is dangerous'

As he opened the door, a tiny bell made a sound, causing the cashier lady to look at him, "Good afternoon, Sir" she said, smiling at him. He smiled back before scanning the area to find the gray haired girl.

He spotted the said girl besides the big window. He slowly walked and sat at the empty seat infront of her, "S-shachan" he mumbled,

"Awee Izukun, don't be like that. I don't bite" she replied, seeing Izuku slightly shaking, "I'm not going to hurt you, relax"

"U-uhm.. How are you" he asked, not meeting her gaze,

"I'm fine, -- Izukun, seriously, stop okay?" she said, clearly nnoyed thet her childhoos friend is afraid of her.

Well, ofcourse he will be afraid. She is giving an aura of a villain, and she also dressed like a villain-- well she is a villain so it doesnt matter.

"why?" He finally asked,

"Why what?"

"Why d-did you.. Join t-them?"

Tamaki-Shigaraki bit her lip, not knowing what to answer,

'Fuck, what wold I answer? that's not in the script'

"I-I.. I hate heroes." she spatted coldly,

"No you dont!"

"Well how could I hate them? They didn't do anything when I was helpless. They even stopped searching for me." She glared at Izuku.

Izuku stared at her in fear. She never glares at Izuku. She never will. He knew something is wrong.

"Pl-please.. Just come back. We all missed you. Amajiki-senpai's anxiety is getting worse without you by his side"

Shigaraki rolled her eyes, "Like I care."

"his is not you." He replied, grabbing her wrist,

"What's not like me? Being cold to you? to heroes? Huh?! what do you think? I am a villain, you think i would love heroes? fuck no!" she angily whispered, "If yu want to be with me, your friend. I f you are really worried, then join. Join us. I'll wait you. At the beach. 10 in the evening. Ifyou didn't show up, then goodbye Izukun."

Shigaraki stood up, walking out of the cafe.

"What happened to her? She isn't ike that. She even glared at me, She hates heroes? I don't understand.." he mumbled, wiping away his tears, wait.. tears?

"Why am i even crying?"


Izuku placed the food that he bought on the table at the living room. Mina quickly took a bag of chips and sat besides him, "You okay?" she asked

"Y-yeah im fine" Izuku replied.

"Well it looks like you've seen a ghost. Your face is pale"

"Its not like that. maybe I'm just tired"

"O-oh okay"


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