Chapter 18

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"Hey Katsu?"

"What now, dumbass?" he said, annoyed,

"Do you love me?"

Katsuki turned his glance to his girl. He furrowed his eyebrows, "What kind of shitty question is that?"

"What if... i- uhm"

"What is it?"

"I am scared, what if you got tired of me?

"what if, you started to love someone else?"

"what if-"

Katsuki cut her off by him kissing her passionately. 

"I won't let you go, okay?" He said, breaking the kiss.




Katsuki waved goodbye, it is the day of the students that they will go to the agency. Katsuki had chosen the jeanist. Before he left for the train, he quickly hugged Tamaki and boarded the train. Tamaki teleported back to her room to rest because she didn't get any if the agency because she did not compete and because of her constant glitching.

She smiled as she plopped down her bed, thinking she can rest now. It's not like she can't rest if Katsuki is with her, but it's much nicer if she is alone.

She stared bored-lyat her ceiling, thinking if she would have competed the sports fest, she can be with katsuki with the jeanist. But of course she still can't because of what Tomura did to her.

She sighed in annoyance. "Fuck Tomura and Fuck Uraraka" 


Izuku did not know if he is in the right address. He hesitantly knocked on the door-

"Toshinori?" Said the grandpa,

"No-no! i'm the one uhm- All might-"

"Let's see what can you do"


Amajiki knocked on his sister's door, but when he receives no answer, he quietly opened the door, revealing his sister sleeping. She snores cutely. He smiled at his sister,

Despite of them not being blood related, they both love and cares for each other. Amajiki is still mad at Tomura.

But the question is, when will Keigo take her back to him? Is he going to make her stay away from them? Are the authorities going to take Shai again? Just like the last time?

Mahilig frowned remembering what happened to the poor girl. First she was taken away from Shigaraki and then AFO kidnapped her and then the authorities gave the Tamaki's the right to take care of the child. They knew that AFO will always get her so they decided to make the Tamaki's the guardian. The Mirio thingy was only an alibi so that they won't ask any further questions, and it worked like magic.

He then tried to separately contact his parents again, but it was doing nothing for him.

'They really did abandoned us, huh?'

"The number you dialed is Busy at the moment, Please try again later"


"What is wrong with her?" The principal asked All might And Aizawa.

"Amajiki told me that Tomura may or may not injected too many "Quirks" on her causing her body t glitch. She may or may not absorb it all."

"Wait- Tomura? As in Shigaraki Tomura? Why is he involved here?" Nezu said as he sips his tea,

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