Chapter 14

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'K katsuki, you there?' Amajiki's voice trembled.

another minute of silence. Bakugou still processing what just he said,


'I-I..  i feel, i should tell you now..'

Amajik isighs,'She is not like them.. we raised her.. remember? that's why.. please'

Amajiki sniffles, tears running down his face, "pl-please what?" Bakugou replied, sadness present in his voice, 'Save her please- she is afraid.. she might die there-' Amajiki's voice tremble as he tried to explain everything happened.

'She-she run away.. Tomura tried to kill her.. that's why..-'

"Ye-yeah, Ill make sure that she will go back home, safe.. I promise"


Katsuki plopped down on his bed, thinking how should he save his girl. A while later, His bed sank on the other side.

"What the fu-"

He then saw a glimpse of blue hair. His eyes widened. "shai.."

She flinched as he touched her neck. He gritted his teeth. He saw what Tomura did to her.. "Oh. my" he muttered.

Bruises covering her body, her neck is covered with dried blood. 

He stood up and took the first aid kit. He put Tamaki's head on his lap and started to patch her neck up. As he do it, he felt that she is burning up.

"Shit. Oh All might, what happened to you Kozan?"


She woke up, Katsuki's arms wrapped around her.


"Mhh~ let me sleep, dumbass" 

His eyes widened, "OH MY ALL MIGHT! YOU WOKE UP!"

She smiled as she told him everything happened. Her eyes started to water. Bakugou's blood boil.

"I-i got new quirk- I might not absorb it all.."

Silence filled the room. He stared, and stared. He stood up, not muttering a word. Shai grabbed his wrist, " you-you-you m-m-m-ma-mad?" Her voice glitched.

Wai.. wait what? glitched? Katsuki turned around, she is crying and glitching madly-- how could this happen? she is glitching like a bug in a video game. Different lines appeared, her voice distorted.

"W-what's happening.." She looks up to Bakugou, "Help me.. it-it-it's burning" she said as she scratched her throat to reduce the burning sensation. Katsuki's hands twitched, As he stared at Tamaki's now yellow- i mean red- i mean blue-- her eyes is also changing,

"O-o-o-oh Go-god! What is happ-happening to you?!" He shouted..

He carried her bridal style. He quickly knocked on her home, which is just across his. He then banged the door. He doesn't care if their neighbors would wake up, in the middle of the night.

The door opened, by an angry indigo haired male, "What the fuck-"

Katsuki barged in and he put her down the couch, "She- she is glitching like in games" he said panicking.

Amajiki's eyes went wide when he saw her sister like that. Rage filled him. No sadness, no kindness, just rage. Just what the fuck- who the fuck would do this?! 

"What the FUCK ShiGARAki!" he shouted in rage. 

'fuck fuck fuckfuuuck! what am I going to do? c-can we fix her? oh dear' Katsuki's mind swirled. He is breathing quickly.

"p-please.. help.. it-its burning" she said. Still with her distorted voice.

Amajiki rushed into her sister's side, trying to comfort her. "Sh-shit..what did.. what did he do?" he said as he caressed her glitching cheeks. "Ca-calm down"


After a few hours- it was 2 in the morning when she finally goes to sleep. Amajiki makes tea for Himself and Bakugou to share, as they chit chat on what would they do to her. 


to :Mirio


(Imagine her like that, i promise once my schedule cleared i'll edit the photos :3)

(Imagine her like that, i promise once my schedule cleared i'll edit the photos :3)

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From amajiki:




Mirio quickly stood up and throw sweatshirt on and used his quirk to go fast in their house.

"Holy shit" He muttered,

"What are-" 

Bakugou is quickly cut off by something cracking-- 


The younger Tamaki screamed her lungs off. "Oh SHIT! MAKE IT STOP!!!"

Bakugou couldn't take it anymore. He stood up and ran out.


"DEKU! I OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" he banged and banged. Deku then opened the door after a few knocks-

"What are you doing here Kacchan-"

"Call Icey-ho and allmight. Tell them to go to Tamaki's immediately!" Deku grabbed his phone and dragged Bakugou outside, "what is ha-"

Once again, Bakugou cut him off, "Just do it! Go to their house NOW!"



Few lights opened, then the door opened, revealing a red-haired boy. He ruffled his un waxed hair, "what is it? it's 3 in he morning. Get some sleep" Bakugou eye-ed him, he is wearing some jogging pants and some muscle top. 

"Come with me." He demanded. Without a warning, he dragged Kirishima out of his house, after locking his door of course.

"Where are we going?" Kirishima said, sleepily.

"Amajiki's. We need your help" He replied, muttering some words he can only hear

"Help? for what?"

"She is glitching like a video game bug- Shit, we need to hurry."

Bakugou activated his quirk in his other hand and blasted with Kirishima.

yours. (Katsuki Bakugou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now