Valentine's Day (1)

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The students at UA are decorating their classrooms for the upcoming Valentine's Day. And the class1A are responsible for the maid cafe. Mina suggested it and she pursued her classmates.

"why are we doing this again?" asked the red haired girl,

"Because, it's fun!" replied Mina who was decorating the ceiling.,

"If you don't want to go, then shut up." 

Bakugou glared at the Gravity girl, who is glaring at Tamaki. Her turned purple because of the gravity girl.

(Her hair will turn into various of colors depending on her mood and emotions. I remembered her hair turned various of colors when she glitched right?)

"I-i-i-... I'm just asking her..." Tamaki mumbled, 

"Well I don't care. You know, I have a feeling that no one will even ask you to the Heart's day dance." 

Tamaki looked away embarrassed, "You know what? Let's go outside, Shachan" 

Bakugou glared at Izuku, mumbling 'spotlight stealer' 


"Are you okay ow, Shachan?" asked Izuku while giving her pills.

"Yea-- where did you got these?"

"Tamaki-senpai gave me these He told me to give you when you are upset..."

"Thank you, Izukun.." 

Tamaki hugged the green haired boy, causing him to blush,

'S-she is to-too close!'

"Oi. Stop flirting, get back to work" 

Tamaki stopped hugging Izuku and rolled her eyes at Bakugou, "Yes mom" 

Izuku smiled softly at his childhood friend and hurriedly get away to give you both some privacy.

"W-what?" asked the girl,

"Don't listen to her okay?"


Bakugou hugged her then stood up and left.


"Hey. I saw you with Bakugou a while ago"

Uraraka said, running up to Tamaki.


"Are you and him a thing?" she asked, tilting her head sideways,

"no.. we are just friends" she replied mumbling

"Hahaha! friends?" she mocked, "Here lemme tell you something.."

Uraraka pulled her hone and tapped the recording button.

"'Ha? Friends?! with who? Tamaki? are you kidding me? I only befriend her because i pity her. You know? She's weak, ugly and annoying'"

'I-is.. that... Is that Katsu?'

"Sorry to say this but.. He just pitied you.. you poor baby.." mocked Uraraka.

"Tha-that's not true!" she argued,

"What did you hear huh?" Uraraka asked, putting her phone into her pocket,

"T-that.. I-I-I-" Tamaki run away, not finishing her sentence, making Uraraka smirked in victory.

Certain Red haired boy approached Uraraka, "That's unmanly of you, Uraraka-chan. She might ended up hating him. And if that happens, I won't hesitate telling him what i've seen." he said, walking away from Uraraka.


The Heart's day dance id approaching. Tamaki and Uraraka are the only girls in the classroom that don't have a date. Tamaki started to ignore Bakugou because of what Uraraka, and Eijiro is knows 5his.

"Fuck. what did I do now?" Bakugou growled as he bite into his sandwich.

"we don't know.. did you made her upset? I remember you followed them that day"RepliedHanta,

"No of course not, you Tape dispenser. Why would i?!" 

"I don't know man"

Uraraka then came up to their table, holding a box of chocolates to Bakugou. Tamaki noticed this and stared at them.

"W-w-will you.. go to the dance with me?" asked the gravity girl,

But before Bakugou would reply, Tamaki stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. 

"Shachan, Chotto Matte!" Izuku stood up, following her, causing Bakugou to clench his fists.

"Oi! Leave him be." Replied Eijiro,

"I'm not talking to you" sassed Uraraka,

"This is your fault. You know Bakubro, Uraraka did something terrible."

"What the fuck! Like I care?" he huffed. 

He stood up, taking the box of chocolate and poured all of it's contents into the nearby trsh can,

"I don't need your shitty chocolate, round face. And if you are tereasonwhy Shai is ignoring me... Preoare yourself. Got that?"


"Shachan! wait up!" Izuku said, running after her.

Tamaki opened the door and the gentle breeze kissed her face. Her face shines due to the sunlight. She walked into the railings and sat down.

"You knowIzu.. Kautsu only stayed because.. he pitied me.. I'm sorry I'm annoying, I'm not pretty I'm weak..."

"No no! Don't say that!" Izuku panicked, knowing that he didn't have her pills this time, "Kacchan.. you know.. shachan...why did Kacchan stayed?"


"You will find out if you don't ignore him. i don't have the right to tell why he's reason is.. But I know that he didn't stayed because he pitied you.. okay?"

"Okay.." Tamaki smiled at him, "Come on... Let's go to the class."


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