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It happened in late July of 2014.

When I say 'It', I meant the total collapse of mankind as they knew it; as the world knew it. To put it shortly, they were fucked. Totally and utterly fucked.

The Government claimed it was a new type of plague, blaming the 'uncontrollable violent tendencies' on a high temperature and swollen brain. They called the killings 'violent tendencies' for a week, until more than half of the entire world's population was dead; then they faced the music and practically disappeared.

The Government announced it was an unknown Virus, spread by cross-contamination of body fluids, mainly by bite. They warned everyone to stay inside until everything was fixed, and that their trust needed to be on the system to give them food and survival kits; but those packages never arrived. August 15th , 2014 was the last announcement from the UK Government, then radio silence ever since.

So again, they were fucked.

Now, you're probably thinking how did I find out? Where was I? How did I survive? I was born into this mess, you wouldn't believe my upbringing.

Well, this is a book. A story. So, I have a story to tell, it's rather long, rather violent; I can disclose there are happy moments, but not many. You don't get very many happy moments after the world ends. It's mainly filled with death and disease.

So, sit back. Grab a snack, maybe some soda; nothing that could resemble anything gross I may mention in this story; meat probably isn't a good idea. No salami. And enjoy; as much as you possibly can; I'll allow you to find joy in my misery, someone has to.

November 6th, 2038.

"We are gathered here today to mourn one of the greatest losses of our Sanctum, our Sanctuary. Scott Luther was our leader, our light. He had been through it all; he had seen the world as it was and made ours into how it is now. He is not only one of the founders of Great London, but the man who kept us safe for over 24 years,"

Don't touch my fucking daughter.

"Scott came and saw me only just mere weeks ago, with ideas and plans that would excite many and any. He truly knew that this outbreak did not mean the end of the world, end of civilisation. He built this wall up from the ground, he handpicked the families he would call his own, he set us all a future. A future where we stayed alive. A future where this Virus was no longer a threat. A future where humans, dead or alive, were no longer a threat."

She's my daughter, I'll do what I want.

            "Scott Luther will always be the man who did it. The man who did what was needed to be done. Saw what he wanted and took it."

Luther, please. Just let us go.

"His legacy will be burnt into our brains and our history, London's history. We will forever be indebted to him, and his family; for they are the next line of Luther's. The next line of leaders, creators. We will mourn his name for years, decades; for he brought life to London."

I gave you your life, I can take it away Eleanora.

"Rest in Peace, Scott."

Don't touch her.

Everyone stood as Amazing Grace rang out through the speakers. Heads bowed, hands on heart. On one side of me, my Mother, Iris Luther. On the other, my Brother, Robert Luther. In front of me, my Father, Scott Luther; lying in his coffin.

My Father was the leader of London; the Sanctum – he liked to call it. Ruler of peace, commander of death. Luther and two of his comrades were the creators of this safe haven. This city within the city. They built the walls, they kept us safe.

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