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The Hall was the building London always held meetings in. Luther usually called them; so, when the letters went out this morning, it was different to see Robert's name signed at the bottom. The crowds crept in, filling in the church-like rows in front of the podium. The invite was addressed to citizens aged 18-45, so the crowd was fractionally less than the population of London. Around 400 people filled the Hall.

Anarchy and I were the first few in, finding seats in the third row from the podium. My Brother sat on stage, beside him were all the outsiders. Killian sat directly next to Robert, quickly writing something on a notepad, his eyes glued to the paper. I tried not to look for so long, afraid of Ana catching my gaze.

The crowd brought a quiet murmur, people amongst it wondering what this restricted meeting could be for. I thought word would've gotten out by now – or at least suspicion. London doesn't usually deal with newcomers well, but they hadn't blinked at the 7 strangers on the stage.

"I feel like this isn't going to go well." Ana whispered to me, and I simply nodded. I felt sick to the stomach, there was no way for me to predict how Roberts speech will go down. For the last few days, I had cared so much about what would happen to the community; but now, seeing my Brother look so alone against the crowds of people filling in, I was worried about him.

What if London didn't like his idea? What if they hated his judgement? What if everything my Father worked so hard to gain, is lost because of Robert's one decision? Robert could be hated, thrown out of government. My family could lose our place, our house, our protection – over his decision. It's not fair; he's risking too much.

Robert was one person to the 350 citizens looking up to him; he was meant to be our new leader; but what is he leading us into? War? Death? I won't be the only one who sees it that way, I can't be. There are too many families within London for no one to think about the death rates. I won't be alone on this.

"We'll start soon." Robert said into the microphone, everyone falling silent as they rush to their seats. I could feel my palms beginning to sweat, my legs shaking with anticipation. This could end in a riot; total anarchy.

I wiped my hands on my pants, trying to distract myself. I watched Robert walked over to East, whispering something in her ear which made her smile. It was weird seeing East; knowing my Father was having an affair with her Mother. My Father had many affairs; too many for Iris to have stayed so long. But I truly believed he loved my Mother, at least deeper than he could've loved any of his casual pieces. She felt that love, which is why she didn't leave him. I've wondered for a while about when my Mother fell out of love with him though, around the time he started hitting me – I hope.

"Here we go." Beside me sat a boy by the name of Aurelius. He was Robert's age, grew up next door to us with his cousin Avery. Avery's parent's left London when she was 7 for no reason, leaving her at Aurelius' front door without a note or anything. They were both nice – but quiet. They kept to themselves.

Robert tapped on the microphone, the banging sound echoing through the Hall; the last few voices falling silent. "Okay." Robert took a deep breath, and my stomach fell.

Please don't be bad.

"First off, I just wanted to say thank you for all showing up. I know it was different, receiving a letter from me and not my Father, Scott. This is a big change; Scott was all we have ever known, and his death was sudden and a shock to most, so this change of power couldn't have been less prepared." He took another deep breath, looking down at the paper in front of him. He was nervous,

"My name is Robert Luther; I would presume most of you would know who I am. I have stepped up and taken on the role as the top advisor of London, the Sanctum; and I am fully prepared and understanding of what the role entails and what I am indebted and owe all of you as citizens of the Sanctum or Safe Haven that my Father and his friends created."

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