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The hospital was built in the old library. My Mother suggested using the book shelves as walls, and now they act as room dividers. This always seemed to me like the bare minimum to me, but now I see that any materials that could be used expanding the wall went to that cause, rather than prioritising privacy.

I woke up early, earlier then Patrick; and made my way to the hospital without him. I wanted to speak to them, someone; who was in the basement at the time with Nikita. I wanted to know what she said, what she did; if she told them I was related to her. I knew how Nikita would be perceived if they found out she was a Luther. How I would be perceived. I needed to crowd manage.

I didn't want anyone outside of Patrick and Anarchy to know of what Iris had said. I couldn't predict their reactions, and I needed to focus on getting Robert back. I couldn't risk them knowing this was all because of Luther's actions 26 years ago. Luther has affected this group enough; I couldn't gamble their trust faltering, I don't know if I'd gain it back.

As I walked in, the nurse stood quickly before grabbing her clipboard. She smiled softly at me as she walked in front of the double doors, stopping me from proceeding any further than the waiting room.

"Ma'am -"

"Move." I sighed, placing my hands on my hips. The corner of her mouth twitched, but her smile didn't falter. "I said, move."

"They've asked for no visitors."

"I am second in charge," I peered down at her name tag, "Mia, and that means I am above you, and I am above your patients. So, if you could, move please."

"Ma'am -"

"I really don't feel like firing you today." I shook my head. Her smile quickly faded, and she began to nod, taking a swift step to the side. I reached out, taking the clipboard from her hand. "Thank you." I passed her, pushing the double doors open with one motion.

The room was large and white. There were 15 'rooms', each separated by a book shelf, the books still sitting in them gathering dust. A curtain blocked each room off, offering the slightest amount of privacy. I pass Wyatt's room, then Ezekiel's; I pull back his curtain slightly to see his bed empty.

I get to East's room where I can hear soft murmuring behind the sheet, the sound of Ezekiel's voice explained why he wasn't in his bed. I continued two doors down until I found the room marked WEST.

I swallowed hard, reaching up and pulling the curtain only slightly, peering through the gap to see Killian lying there alone, a cup of jelly in his hand. I cleared my throat, catching his attention as his dark eyes looked up and over to me. I didn't expect a smile, so when I didn't receive one I wasn't disappointed.

"May I?" I asked quietly. He paused for a moment, thinking it over, before nodding softly. I pulled back the white curtain, stepping in and shutting it behind me. I knew Killian was injured, I had prepared myself, but the state of his face still shocked me; it still gave me shivers.

His eyes were black and bruised, his lip was cut, and his eyebrow had stitches going through it to his eyelid. Somehow, he looked thinner in the matter of 2 days. He put his cup down, his eyes falling ahead instead of on me.

"I can't imagine what you-"

"Don't." He interrupted quietly, shaking his head. He cleared his throat, crossing his arms tightly, wincing at the pain of his movements. "I think you should leave, Eleanora."

"Killian -"

"When were you going to tell me about your Father?" He asked, his eyes finding mine for a moment – but only a moment. They darted back to the curtain before I could blink. I swallowed hard, shaking my head in confusion.

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