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"We're almost there." I flinched as Drago crept up beside me. Drago was tall, taller than most in the group – except Killian. Drago's hair was a light brown, longer than his Brothers but still the same floppy texture; it bounced when he walked. His eyes were hazel, his lashes dark and long; something that must run in the West family.

I hadn't really talked to Drago before. He seemed friendly, the nicest out of the group. He had the same kindness I believed my Mother had, like an ally rather than an enemy. Drago was trained, it was obvious; but he lacked in the intelligence factor. Those genes must've gone to Killian.

"I feel like I've been walking all day." I sighed in reply to him. He laughed softly, looking up at the sky.

"It's around 2pm, you can tell by where the sun is." He said, and I joined him looking at the sky. The grey clouds blocked the sun, leaving a dark shadow on the vast forest. The trees all begin to look the same while walking, but Ezekiel never turned. We walked straight the entire time, never falling off track. They must've done this trip many times with my Father when he used to visit their group – I wondered how he knew where they were.

"Who are we picking up?" I asked him, bringing his attention away from the clouds.

"Only 2 more people." He shrugged his shoulder, his pointed finger tapping lazily on the butt of his rifle as he held it against his chest. "Patrick and Wyatt, they're our best gunmen so Robert thought they'd be useful in training, along with Killian and I, of course."

"Of course." I laughed softly. I couldn't help but feel let down; two more men to fear. Two more men to follow; I needed another Anarchy. "Maybe when we get back to London, you can teach me a few things; so next time I'm not the only one without a rifle."

"So, there will be a next time?" Drago raised his eyebrows, and I laughed again.

"Don't get your hopes up, West." I nudged him in the arm with my elbow. "It all depends on how this trip goes and whether or not your group persuades me to believe in the cause."

"Eleanora, both you and I know that you could go against your Brother and tell everyone not to participate in the War and they'd all follow you." Drago sighed, "All you have to say is no, and everything is over."

"Don't tell her that." Drago and I both looked behind us to see Killian standing there; I wondered how long he had been following us, listening. "Eleanora is an important asset to us, we need her for as long as she'll have us."

"There is such thing as a private conversation, Brother." Drago said, making Killian smirk softly.

"Speaking of those," He said, "I wish to have one with Eleanora, if you don't mind, Drago."

"You have 5 minutes," Drago nodded, looking over to me for permission. I nodded softly, nudging him once more in the arm with my elbow, making him smile. "We're nearly there so keep it short. I want to show Elle around."

"Leave, Brother." Killian demanded.  Drago rolled his eyes, picking up his pace to walk ahead of us. Killian quickly replaced his spot on my side. I remained silent, watching the ground to avoid tripping over a stick or branch. "How are you feeling?" He finally spoke after a minute of silence.

"The private conversation you wanted to have on me was to ask how I am feeling?" I asked, looking up and over to him. His eyes stayed in front of him, first glance seemed like he was ignoring me. I huffed, minorly avoiding a branch that had fallen across the path; it wasn't the right time to fall. "I don't get you, Killian."

"What don't you get?" He replied quickly, his voice quieter than before.

"What is the point of this?" I looked down again, forcefully removing my eyes from him. "I'm here. I'm doing what Robert is asking, I am compliant. You don't need to do this."

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