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Both Killian and I jumped awake at the sound of the vault's lock turning. We both pushed ourselves up; this was the moment we've been waiting for. Getting onto our feet, we huddled quickly next to each other beside the chairs we were both still meant to be attached to. For a moment I contemplated getting back in the chair and playing the role but decided against it.

They would know by now that we weren't in our restraints. It would've been easier if they were that idiotic, but they weren't.

The door started to open, fingers crossed; hoping for someone small and armed. Someone we could fight and disarm, possibly get ourselves out of here; but again, Nikita's team weren't dumb. It was a slim chance they'd send one person, let alone someone weak.

"Hands up kids." The door opened slowly, revealing someone neither Killian nor I wanted to see. Wyatt stood at the entrance of the vault, holding an automatic rifle in one hand, a pair of handcuffs in the other. She smiled at us, her glare going from Killian to me, then back to Killian.

"She said hands up." Out of nowhere, Patrick came around the corner holding the same automatic rifle he walked in with; another pair of handcuffs in the other. My heart sank. It dropped. To my feet; my body went cold. Standing in front of me, pointing a gun at me; Patty. Patty from the fence. The Patty.

"This isn't happening." I whispered, my hands were ice; like I was no longer pumping blood, I felt like I was having a heart attack.

"You're getting a little vacation from in here." Wyatt smiled, "A meal, a shower and some new clothes. How does that sound?"

"We go together." Killian said.

"Not an option." Patrick shook his head, his eyes remained on Killian. I just stared at him. I had no words; no thoughts. The only word in my mind was Patty. How could it be him? I connected the dots for most of the others, but not him. I couldn't find anything, remember anything that would've made me believe he was against me.

I thought he cared. That was rare, for me. I trust no one; but with the years behind our friendship, and the intimacy, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. These nights sleeping in the vault, thinking of who betrayed me; Patty never once popped in my mind. I dreamt of leaving this place with Robert, Anarchy and Patty. I've fantasised about it many times in the last 2 days that we've been locked up.

I dream about it every night.

I dreamt about my Mother's face when she saw all of us, how she'd welcome Patrick into our home. I dreamt about how he would thank me for saving him, for taking him from this group; saving him from this life; from Nikita, from Mama. I was wrong. I was so wrong.

I didn't think I could be wrong.

"I want to go with Wyatt then." Killian said, making Wyatt scoff; Patrick laughed quietly.

"Not an option." Wyatt shook her head teasingly, shaking the pair of handcuffs in her hand. "Anyway, I want some girl bonding."

"I want to go with Patrick." I spoke up, my lips moving before my mind could process my request. I was right, I wanted to go with Patrick; but the idea scared me. The truth scared me. Pat's eyes flicked to mine, for the first time since the doors opened a few minutes ago. They flickered for a second, before he looked away and over to Wyatt.

"Since when were they allowed to make requests?" Wyatt rolled her eyes, sighing deeply.

"Please." I mumbled, catching Wyatt's attention. Wyatt took a deep breath, tossing her pair of handcuffs along the tiles until the hit Killian's bare feet. Killian bent down quickly latching them onto his wrists. He looked at me, his dark eyes darting around my face; memorising it. I knew why.

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