[His true self] Zac the Sunshine

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[A/N: Here he is!! Zac the Sunshine!!! Someone requested some Zac and of course, I'm delivering.

I love him so much, I wish they didn't try to replace him with Joshua Boon...but it is what it is.

I tried my best at writing him djndmdmsk but still....! It's so hard!

Have some Zac regardless! May he shine forever in our hearts!]

[Word Count; 1117]


Zac the Sunshine..every girl and their mother talked about him.

And your little sister, Nika, wouldn't stop talking about him either.

It was extremely annoying!

"What's so special about that..Zac, Nika?" You forced a friendly smile for her.

"Zac's really cool! His songs are nice and he's a good blader too!"

"..R-Right. Thank you Nika."

You took a small stroll around Beigoma in search for some entertainment. There wasn't much to do, besides beyblading..at least for you.

"I wish I could magically cure my boredom."

And if on cue, you had bumped into a taller figure. Or at least THEY had bumped into you.

"Hey watch where you're going!" You barked and your face fell on you noticed who you had bumped onto.

Wasn't this guy Zac?

He inmediately scrambled for a mask he was wearing and put it back on over his eyes, before giving you charming smile.

"Sorry little star! I'll be more careful next time~"

Your eyes bored into him, not buying his little act.

"I'm not stupid."

"R-Right . . ." He sighed. "Nice, you got me!"

"You know that you stand out alot with that disguise right..?"

"Perhaps my greatness is too much for this world to handle, that in itself is nice."

"No no no, I don't think so." You gave him a look of disbelief. This was the guy that most girls were obsessing over?

"Come little star! I'll treat you to something nice as an apology!" He swept you off your feet and carried you princess style.

"N-No no no! I-I'm good!" You shook your head and despite your protests, the blond idol would not put you down.

How did this even end up happening to you?


Just as he had promised, he had taken you somewhere 'nice'.

In reality, he had just taken you to the place where his next song would be recorded.

Why was this happening to you??

"Zac, can I please go home?" You frowned.

"Nonono! You must stay with me little star, this'll be your punishment for seeing through my genius disguise!" He removed his mask and you swore, Zac was never actually this handsome!

..Maybe you could see why he was popular with the other girls.

"Ugh fine, you owe me alot though. Your entire career's on the line!"

Chōzetsu Invincible Love! [Beyblade Burst x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now