[A bright future] Valt Aoi

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I've done it, I'll start doing more Gachi one-shots from now on! Yay!

I don't know, but this is kind of a small continuation to my last Valt fic cause, why not...

This is still kiiiindaaa short, sorry.

Valt is my very very very very special boy! Treat him nicely or PERISH.

Protect Drum at all costs too! ..ThoughIstilldon'tlikehimtoomuchI'msorry. ]

[Word Count; 755]


"Delta, you've been awfully quiet ever since Valt battled Drum, are you jealous?" You giggled.

Delta sighed, knowing that nothing ever got past you.

"I'm not, but I don't get why Valt would pick Drum over me, I've been here longer."

"That sounds like Valt." You furrowed your brows and sighed. "Knowing him, he probably wants to help Drum get better! I would too, he's one of the newer members afterall!"

The sea-green haired male scowled.

"I mean, you're already pretty strong as you are! L-Like..umm..you're really good..!"

"Thank you (Name)." He smiled slightly, shocking you.

"D-Delta? Are you okay? Y-You're smiling!"

"You really are just like Valt sometimes." He chuckled, making you pout.

"I'm not!"

The two of you heard some approaching footsteps and turned in the direction they were coming from.

"(Name)!!" Drum literally ran towards you and got awfully close to you, making his scary face whenever he got nervous.

"D-Drum..h-hi...umm, you're kinda close." You held your hands up, hoping he'd calm down.

"Drum, don't get too close to (Name)!" Your boyfriend scolded, making him stop.

"S-Sorry, I just can't help but get seriously excited!" He backed away and you let out a relieved sigh.

You turned towards your boyfriend and gave him a small wave, which he returned.

"Hi Valt!"

"Hi (Name)!"

The two of you grinned, before turning towards your respective pupils.

"Delta, wanna train with Valt and I?"

"Drum, wanna train with (Name) and I?"

The two of you practically said in unision, frightening both Delta and Drum a bit. Mostly Drum though.

It was scary how similar the two of you were.

Delta simply nodded in response.

"Aw yeah! I get to train with Valt and (Name)!" Drum's eyes practically sparkled.


Unsurprisingly, Drum couldn't keep up with your training. Delta still struggled a bit, but you didn't want to push the boy's limits too far.

"Let's just do practice battles." You offered the two boys a smile.

"That's a good idea (Name). Let's do that!"

The two boys nodded in approval at the idea, though Drum did it a bit too excitedly.

"Theeenn, I'll take Drum!"

"Aww, I wanted to battle Drum!" Valt whined.

"Nuh-uh, you battled Drum already, so battle Delta!"


Delta and Drum simply watched your childish banter.

"Then it's settled, I'll battle you Drum!"

"I get to battle (Name)!? That's seriously awesome!" Drum jumped up and punched the air.

"I'll battle you then Delta!" Valt turned towards Delta, showing off his Slash Valkyrie.

"I finally get to battle Valt.." Delta looked down at his bey, Hell Salamander.

"Hehe, I don't think you should be excited Drum, As I do have my own GaTinko bey!"

"Wait, you do? How come you never told me (Name)?"

"You never asked." You winked at him.

"But we battle all the time! How come you neeeever used it?"

"I wanted to make it a surprise."

"That contradicts what you just said!"

"Does it?"

Valt groaned, making you smirk triumphantly.

"Sooo..are we going to battle yet?" Drum said, catching your attention.

"Yeah, let's go Drum." You said, while pulling out your bey.


Unfortunately, neither Delta nor Drum could win against either Valt or you.

But still, the experience helped them both learn.

"Thank you for your time." Delta bowed, making you waved your hands dismisively.

"Don't thank me, you're my pupil afterall!" You patted the boy's head.

"Your GaTinko bey was seriously awesome (Name)! That was alot of fun!"

"It was fun, right Valt?" You turned towards your boyfriend, giving him a thumbs-up.

"Yeah, you two will get stronger. Especially you, Drum!"

You knew that that comment would tick off Delta a bit.

"A-Anyway.." You glanced over to your pupil, noticing his scowl. "Let's go eat, I'm really hungry!" You changed the subject quickly.

"Now that you mention it, I'm hungry too!"

You turned towards Delta and Drum, giving the two of them a welcoming smile.

"Come on you two, let's go eat together!"

You held your hand out towards the duo.

And they gladly took it.

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