[ Rivalry ] Shu Kurenai

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It hadn't even been a minute after class had ended for Shu. The door to his classroom had been opened abruptly, revealing a (H/C) girl standing on the other side of it.

"Kurenai Shu, come on out and battle me!" She declared, wearing a cocky shark-like grin.

At this, the albino facepalmed. He should've known. So, he had no choice but to stand up and face the girl, narrowing his eyes at her.

"(Name), let's go."

Before she could respond, Shu had already gotten ahold of her wrist and tugged her along with him towards the rooftop.

A few seconds later, a certain bluenette had awoken from his nap.

"Oi, Shu! Let's battl--" He paused, looking around for his best friend. "Shu?"

"He just left, you know." One of the students spoke up.


At the rooftop, the duo stood across from one another.

"Let's just get this over with." Annoyed, Shu had already crouched near the stadium, taking his usual stance.

"You seem more annoyed than usual." (Name) pouted. "Didn't sleep well? Did your breakfast taste bad?" She paused briefly, bringing a finger close to her lips. "Ah. Maybe you just overworked yourself once again." Satisfied, the female blader smiled at herself proudly.

The whitette felt his eye twitch at her conclusion. She wasn't wrong, again. There was something about her that always put him on the edge. Maybe it was her annoying personality, nothing else.

"If you're just going to run your tongue then I'll be on my way." He sent a glare her way, standing up from his spot.

"But Shu." (Name) feigned a pout. "Does losing to my brother still upset you?"

He froze.

"Ah, so that's it." The smile that crossed her face was too similar to Lui's. He loathed it. "I don't care about you, Kurenai Shu. I loathe you, despise you, yet...." The smile had vanished briefly, her expression holding some sort of sadness. Her very next words, were muted by Valt's yelling.

"Shu!!!! Oh, so this is where you were!" Valt pouted, approaching the duo. "Oh, hi (Name)!"

"Aoi Valt." (Name) frowned. "It seems I won't be able to battle you today, Shu."

"Wait- What did you even want to tell me?" He had jogged infront of the girl, halting her retreat.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Innocently, she tilted her head to the side. "I don't have anything else to tell you. You're in the way, you know."

"(Name)." Gritting his teeth, he felt even more frustrated at her refusal.

"Alright, I'll tell you."

Closing in the small distance between them, (Name) had placed her hands on his chest. She inched closer and closer, until...

"You'll always be number 2 to my brother."


Spriggan had broke. He didn't want to admit his obvious frustration at the fact. It was his fault for not paying enough attention to his partner. He wanted to cry, he wanted to vent his frustrations more than anything.

He had sat by the beach, holding the broken bey in his palm. His expression was calm, as per usual. But that didn't mean he wasn't deeply troubled within.

Perhaps he was far too distracted to notice the purple eyes that glared at him from a distance. To notice the girl that seemed the most frustrated at the results, she, who seemingly wished for the whitette to redeem himself against her brother.

She didn't want to accept it. The painful sting that picked at her troubled heart at the sight of Shu's despair.

It was nothing. She didn't care if he lost.

(Name) herself didn't know how long she had been staring at the boy until she had been caught in the process.

"You're...(Name)!" Ah, it was a given for his best friend to come check on him. "Are you worried about Shu?" The boy smiled, however said smile always seemed to reach his eyes.

"W-What of it..?" Hugging her arm, the (H/C)ette frowned.

"Me too! C'mon, let's talk to him!" Taking the girl's hand without giving a warning, she had found herself being dragged in the direction of the beach.

As they inched closer and closer to the whitette, he seemed to notice their presence as he had turn around slightly to face the approaching figures.

"Valt." Shu wasn't surprised, but when he noticed that the other person beside his best friend was in fact, Shirasagijou (Name), he felt some sort of anger towards the girl. She was right, he'd always end up second to her brother. But that didn't make it any less frustrating for him.

"K-Kurenai Shu! you look... pathetic." (Name) frowned, feeling her cheeks grow redder. "Spriggan broke due to your own foolishness, that much is obvious! Don't go..worrying those that do care about you, like your friends.."

"Including you." He chuckled. "You've been staring at me for about 20 minutes now. Were you that worried about me?"

"I don't care about you! I was just observing you, I needed some intel on...your loss." The girl averted her gaze, looking at Valt for some sort of assistance.

"She's right, you know! (Name) had been scribbling notes the moment I arrived!" Grinning goofily, Valt gave his best friend a thumbs up.

"Right." A small smile crossed Shu's lips. He wasn't buying it as he knew from his previous experiences with you that you'd always avert your gaze whenever you lied. How he had come to know this fact himself, he didn't know. "Thank you."

"Hmph. I didn't even do anything.." Sighing, (Name) turned around. She hid the smile that tugged at the corner of her lips from him. "A-As your rival, I expect you to be in top form the next time we meet!"

Valt watched her smile from the corner of his eye. It had been the happiest he'd seen (Name). Maybe Shu had to do something with it?

"I'll prove you, I won't settle for number 2 next time." The whitette closed his eyes, smirking.

"Next time I'll..."

After listening to his declaration, (Name) felt heat rise to her cheeks. He didn't have to say that! Placing a hand to her chest, she turned around to face him with newfound determination and...adoration?

"We'll see, Kurenai Shu!"

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