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Thunderstorm POV

I has been a month for my friendship with Earthquake. And I can feel that he started to feel comfortable with me. Once the recess begin, he will find me at my class and both of us will walk together to the rooftop and we have a great chat to each other.

A part from that, if Earthquake has to met with the teachers or something else, I will always waiting for him and both of us will walk together to our home. I already asked my mom to not asked my driver to pick me up again. I want to spend my time more with Earthquake. My lover.

Though he is still not my lover. We were just FRIEND. It is just to Earthquake. But not for my whole school students. They already called us "lovebirds" since we were always together.

Plus, those trios are not disturbing Earthquake anymore. Since he always with me so I guess they wouldn't dare to disturb Earthquake anymore.

But who knows..?

I make a mistakes and I wasn't there to helped Earthquake at that time.

Fuck! I hope I was there!!

End Thunderstorm POV

"Are you sure that you will be fine? "

"Yes! I am pretty sure!! "

Earthquake smile at Thunderstorm with full of courage in his smile. This week Thunderstorm having a futsal tournament and he have to go to the other school to winning the game. And too bad it took 3 days for Thunderstorm to leave the school.

And of course Thunderstorm is REALLY worried about Earthquake. And he is more worried after he find out that the trios wasn't joining the tournament at all! And what making the situation more worst is Thunderstorm HAVE to join it since the trios didn't join it.

Even though Thunderstorm was worried about it but gladly he asked for his friends help to take care of Earthquake. Means, take a look at Earthquake until Thunderstorm come back.

But that was actually an unexpected worst result ever!!

"Sigh... Since you say like that. I can't say anything. "

Earthquake just nods his head.

"Ok. Take care. I already asked my friends, Ice and Solar to always keep their eyes on you. So if you got a problems, just find them ok? "

"Ice and Solar? "

Thunderstorm just nods his head. But just about he want to say something, his coach already calling him and the bus almost moving.

"Ah, I've got to go now. Remember, don't forget to eat your pills and stay away from those trios. Ok? "

"Pfft..! You are worrying about me so much Mr. Alpha! I will be fine! Who do you think I am? Your girl? "

"Correction. My future wife. "

Thunderstorm give a serious face to Earthquake that makes this Omega boy blushing in shock.

Thunderstorm just realize about what he said, and he start to blushing too. And then, to hide his embarrassed, he turn around and start to leaving Earthquake.

"Ah! Mr. Alpha wait!! "

Thunderstorm did not turn around. He just stopped to hear what will Earthquake say.

"I... I will waiting for you! So... goodluck!"

Hearing about what Earthquake say, it makes Thunderstorm become more blushing. Just a nods he give to Earthquake and after that he run toward the bus. He ride the bus and sitting at behind near the window.

Thunderstorm glance at Earthquake for the last time and both of them waving their hands together.

"I hope you will be fine Quake...."

Thunderstorm's POV

After we separate for such a 3 days, I thought everythings will be okay since I put my trust to my own best friend. Shit. I'm misunderstood them.

I know it was all of my mistake because I let Quake go. I did not contacted him at all during we are being apart to each other. It was all of my mistakes.

End Thunderstorm's POV

Thunderstorm is packing his bag with his clothes. Today is the last day in his tournament and finally he will meet Earthquake again. He cannot hide himself from being so happy to meet Earthquake. The only person that he always loves.

"Alright guys! If you already done with all of your stuff, hurry up and put it all beside the bus. And make sure, before you left, no trash or anything else being lefted. "

Thunderstorm's teacher come to their camp and take a look for a while before they were leaving. All of the students accept Thunderstorm nodded their head as a sign that they understand about what their teacher said and they continue with pakcing their stuff.

Thunderstorm is the earlier one to finish up with his packing stuff and he quickly run out from the camp to go to the bus that have been waiting for the students.

After everyone already abroad, the bus finally move and they starting to back to the school. They predicted to arrive during end of school hour.

I'M SO SORRY GUYS! But I guess I have to end this story as soon as possible because I want to focus at the other one story.
As an apology, would you like to have a LEMON 🍋 for the next chapter? Uwu

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