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"Where is he?"

Thunderstorm looking around him. He tried to find Quake since the last time he saw him that he was walking through this hall. Thunderstorm looking at his watch. It is almost school over.

Just about he want to passing by the quite place, Thunderstorm feels like he can hear someone screaming. He looking around and then he saw some place where he think the voice comes from there. Without taking a long time, Thunderstorm runs to that place.


When Thunderstorm arrive, he finally can hear the scream clearly. He hide himself behind the wall and slowly take a peek behind it. Without hesitation, Thunderstorm eyes become wide and his heart beating so fast as soon he saw there are 5 boys in there and they are try to touch someone who become their victim.

"L-let me go!! You guys can't do this!! "

"Awww~ why are so mad Head Representative Boy?? You can't blame us becuase we're the Alphas and you are the Omega!"

Thunderstorm starting to become furious. He still doesn't know why he have that feeling but he know who is the victim! It is Quake!

He clinch his hands and his breath starting to furious. With a flaming spirit, Thunderstorm go to the boys and grab one of their shoulder.

"What the-?! Hey! Let me go- wait, thunder?! "

One of the boy shocked after he see Thunderstorm who caught his shoulder. Suddenly that boy feels something wrong with Thunderstorm especially when he said,

"Let him go. "

The boy feels chill when he heard that, but he don't want to let Quake go!

"What are you talking about?! This is ours'!! If you want it, find another Omega! "

"I said- LET GO!!! "


Just with a one single punch, the boy who got the 'lovely' punch finally KO and faint. His other friends starting to scared but they don't want to fight Thunderstorm because all of the entire school and town know how strong Thunderstorm is! They get their faint friend and they run away as fast as they can. Leaving Thunderstorm with Quake alone.

"U-uhmm.. A-are you... Alpha? "

Quake ask with a tremble voice. He still can't get up because of the situation before. Thunderstorm looks at him and he nods.

"Oh.. Umm.. Y-you won't.. Do that 'thing' to me, right? "

Quake ask again. And still Thunderstorm answer it in nods. Just about he want to help Quake to get up. Quake already did his best to stand up. He patting his pant and clothe.

"Thanks! By the way, my name is Earthquake. You are my savior! "

Earthquake said with smile. And then he pick up his things and walks away from there. He still waves at Thunderstorm before he left.

"Thanks Mr. Alpha! "

Thunderstorm freeze over there. After Earthquake left, he suddenly feels his heart bumping so hard and his face feels burning.

"M-Mr. Alpha huh..?? "

Thunderstorm chuckles for a while and then he walks away from there. He can feels that his heart so light and he can't stop smiling.


"I'm home... "

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