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Next day, Thunderstorm awake from his sleep and saw Earthquake's pure face in front of him. His heart automatically started to bumping up when he saw how closed he is with the lover in his life. Or should we finally said, his mate.

Thunderstorm adjusted his position while facing Earthquake. He admired the latter beautiful face while stroking his face gently.
"My beautiful omega. You are so beautiful."

Thunderstorm give a peck at Earthquake's beautiful lips. He licks them and enjoy the simple morning kiss until it makes Earthquake to squirm and finally wake up from his sleep.

Earthquake look at Thunderstorm. He smiled.

"Good morning, Mr. Alpha. "

"Morning too. Sorry if I disturbed your sleep."

"No.. It's alright. "

Both of them look into their each other eyes. They can see themselves in the other eyes and from that they can saw how both of their feelings towards each other. Their feeling was so pure and lovely. It seems like they were a married couple who finally find their happiness after what has happened to their marriage life.

Thunderstorm sit up from his sleep position. He look at Earthquake who is still looking at him.

"Hey, Quake, you don't want to take a bath of something? "

"Ah, speaking of that. Yes, I guess I should."

When Earthquake was about to move out from the bed, he suddenly feels hurt and sore at his bottom. Earthquake yelp in shocked.

"Ah! "

"What's wrong? "

"Ahh.. No. I-it's nothing. My back feels hurt. I-I don't think I can move too much today... "

Thunderstorm walk off from his side and he goes to Earthquake's. And without hesitation, Thunderstorm grab Earthquake and lift the Omega with bridal style.

"Huh?! M-Mr. Alpha?! "

"You said your back is hurt, right? Want me to take you to shower? "

Earthquake looks at Thunderstorm with a flustered face. He do not know how to give a react to this situation. Even though he wants Thunderstorm to do that so that the Omega can being clingy to his Alpha, but at the same time he also feels shy too.

"Uumm... I, I guess it's OK. B-but you will just put me in the bathroom and leave, right? I don't want you to watch me take a bath... "

"And how do you think that I won't do that? Baby, you are my mate, right? Plus, we already have a lovely sex last night. I guess there's no need to feel shy if one of us being naked in front each other, since we already saw how our body looks like, right?"

Thunderstorm give a lust smile to Earthquake making his Omega automatically turns out become a tomato. But Thunderstorm just chuckles at Earthquake. After that, he brought him to the bathroom to take a hot shower together.

Thunderstorm put Earthquake in the bathtub and after that he started to prepared everything before he and Earthquake take a shower.

"Ready to take a shower, Quake? "

Thunderstorm grin at his Omega. He know Earthquake will being flustered when he said like that but that doesn't mean he would stop it. Earthquake already become his Omega and that's mean that Omega was his.

Just can make Earthquake to become his already makes Thunderstorm happy. He did not want anything else. As long as Earthquake will be with him from now on, he will live happily.

After around 1 hour taking a bath because while taking a shower they did it again, finally both of Alpha and Omega came out from bathroom. Thunderstorm carried Earthquake with bridal style and Earthquake face's can be seem kinda tired. Maybe in the bathroom Thunderstorm being energetic than bed. Who knows?

"Where is you fucking son?! I want to meet him!! "

"Dear, please don't do this! Leave our son alone! He should be happy too! "

"What happy?! You spoiled that kid too much until you willing to defend him from the chaos that he already created! "

"But honey-"

"Shut up! "

Thunderstorm and Earthquake startled by the sound of slap that they heard from the downstairs. Both of them looking to each other with worried faces.

"M-Mr. Alpha.. What's going on? "

Thunderstorm look back at Earthquake. He tried to comfort the Omega by rubbing the circle behind his back.

"It's nothing, Quake. I will take a leave for a while OK? "

"But... Where are you going? "

Thunderstorm let Earthquake sit on his bed first. He pats his head and he smile.

"To meet my father. "

Writing in English kinda hard but it is fun!

And I hope you enjoy too! I'm so sorry if there any grammatical errors here. I'm still learning.

I hope you like this chapter! Though this time it is shorter than it should have to. ( p_q)

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