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"Father, Mother. "

Thunderstorm called his parents once he and Earthquake finally get down. Both of them are walking towards the eldest that were waiting for them at living room.

Thunderstorm's mother look at his son. Her smile grew when she looks at Earthquake. She has to admit that Earthquake was the most adorable Omega that she ever seen. All of what Earthquake wears right now looks so adorable and it suits him very well!
Thunderstorm take Earthquake walked passed his parents and both of them sit next to each other on the couch. Both of them were facing towards Thunderstorm's parents.

"So, this is what you want to explain about?"

"Yes, father. "

The old man straight his sitting posture. He looks at his son and the Omega beside him. From some reason he can call them a cute couple because their position was really closed to each other. As if they were seperate apart, one of them will die for sure. But that just what in mind. Not gonna happen in real life tho.

"Ok, now you shall start your explanation. "

Thunderstorm clears his throat for once before he started his explanation. He secretly feels scared about the situation right now. Scared that his father would not accept his story and scared that his father would not trust it too. But what he scared the most was what if his father doesn't want him to be with Earthquake?

Even though they already mated but if his father seperated them away, it might be killing Thunderstorm. As an Alpha that already has his mate, they cannot being apart from their Omega. It was against the law and it will give a huge effect to both of them! It will be killed too!

"Uumm.. First of all, let me introduce both of you to this person besides me. As you know, he was an Omega. His name is Earthquake. "

"It is very nice to meet both of you. "

Earthquake bows in front of Thunderstorm's parents. To show how respectful they are to the Omega.

"Earthquake was a head student representative in our school by the way. The first one. "

"Wait... You mean, this Earthquake was that Earthquake? The most intelligent student?"

Thunderstorm nodded from his father question. As expected his father. He knows everything that related to Thunderstorm's school thing. Nothing can run away from his sight.

"And the first time when I met Quake, he was on talk with one of his Beta friend. I didn't know what happened to me at that time but I guess when then first sight I looked at him, I knew he was my fate. And after that, I tried to became closer to Earthquake. Started from always protected him from any bastard Alpha or Beta, until I became his friend. The closed one. "

Earthquake looked at Thunderstorm that was sitting next to him. He really didn't know that from all this time, Thunderstorm was there to protect him because the Alpha loves him. He feels like he really bad to the Alpha because made him struggle to get his heart before.

"And around 3 or 4 day ago, I had to joined a camp. I asked my Alpha friends to protect Quake if something happen. I'm afraid if I let Quake being alone, all of those bastard Alpha or Beta will come again. But to my dissapointed, father. My friends  also betrayed me. It happened when Quake was suddenly in heat. The Betas that have been chased Quake kidnapped him in the store and just about to raped him. Fortunately my friends come but unfortunately they got hit by the heat. They loose their control and also joined those bastard to raped Quake. "

Thunderstorm clenching his jaw. He really pissed of about what he just saw before. How could his friends that he trust the most betrayed him? And now he don't know how to facing them after this. Not when Earthquake already being his mate.

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