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A loud slapped sound can be heard in the big mansion house of Thunderstorm's family. It was his father who slapped him just now after he came down from his room.

Thunderstorm's mother gasped in surprised. She can't accept that her husband just landed his hand on their son faces'.

"You son of bitch! What have you done in your school?! "

"...I did nothing, father. "

"Then what the fuck that I got a call from your principal and he said that you just made a chaos there?! "

"I told you I did not! It wasn't me! "

Another slap sound happened. Thunderstorm know his father must be pissed off about what had happened in his school before. Of course he know who the reason behind all of this!

"Dear, please stop and listen to what Thunderstorm will tell you! He know the truth! "

"Stop defending him! I'm tired of what he has done to us! Not just created a problem but also did not get what I want from all time being! "

Thunderstorm know what his father means. He still remember that his father have wanted him to find his own Omega immediately because he wanted the their next generation to birth as soon as possible. Call his father crazy because to his own son, he is indeed crazy old man.

"Father, if you give a chance to explain everything, I promise you I will bring you what you have wanted to me before. Only if you still want to. "

Thunderstorm look at his that with straight face. Not event care nor not event scared of his dad. Of course Thunderstorm had been facing all of this thing alone before. Told ya his father is crazy!

Thunderstorm's father look at him. He glared at him as if that was the last chance before he will die. But of course, no matter how crazy that old man was, he will not make his son suffered too much. He just a strict parent who wants the best to his son. That's all.

"I will give you 30 minutes. "

His dad said with still glared at Thunderstorm. Hearing that he get a chance, Thunderstorm automatically look up to look at his father. And then, Thunderstorm turns to his mother who smiled at him to show that she also happy for him. Well, at least that old man was not slapped him anymore.

"O-ok! Both of you must wait here! I will be right back! "

Thunderstorm excitedly run to the upstairs and goes to his room. Leaving his parents that looked at him in questionable faces.

Thunderstorm rushed to his room and he opened the room as if something bad was happen. Because of his sudden outburst, Earthquake who was dazing around screamed in fear. The Omega really did not expected thay to happen. At all.

"Babe! Come with me! "

Thunderstorm walks towards Earthquake and grabs his hand. Earthquake look at Thunderstorm in worry. Did Thunderstorm wants to throw him out?

"W-why? D-do you want me to leave? "

Thunderstorm looks at Earthquake in shock. How can his Omega thinking like that?!

"What are you talking about, Quake?! I won't do that to you! Never! Now how about you come with me and we meet my parents? "

"Y-your parents? "

Earthquake suddenly feels butterfly inside his stomach. He really uncomfortable when he heard 'parents'. It makes him remember about his nightmare at his home which is his parents was such a freak parents in the world. Earthquake afraid. He afraid if he will get the same one from Thunderstorm's parents.

Thunderstorm look at his Omega. Suddenly he can feels the change aura from Earthquake. And it makes him wonder, did his Omega was afraid?

"Quake, are you afraid to meet my parents?"

Earthquake nods in silent. He really doesn't want to admit it. But if didn't tell the truth, he afraid it will make Thunderstorm be dissapointed with him because telling a lie. Though being honest is bad too.

Thunderstorm bend of in front if Earthquake. Since Earthquake finally became his Omega an hours before, he can feel every feeling that the Omega feels right now. And one of that is being scared. He don't want Earthquake to feels scared to his family. It is indeed his father was a fucker but Thunderstorm could bet that the old man would never land his hand to the Omega.

"Quake, look at me. "

Earthquake look up at his Alpha. From his sight, he can saw how confident Thunderstorm's eyes was. And it suddenly makes Earthquake feels calm from his nervous. He feels like he was in safe protection.

"You trust me, right? You trust your Alpha, right? "

Thunderstorm asked while caressing Earthquake's soft hair. While his other hand was make a circle on Earthquake's palm. He really want to help his Omega. And if it because Thunderstorm needs him, that was one of his high reason to make Earthquake to become his.

Earthquake look at his Alpha face. He admit it that Thunderstorm is really good to make people around him to trust him. And without a doubt, Earthquake nods as his answer.

"Y-yes... I-I trust you, Mr. Alpha. "

Thunderstorm finally smile. He hugs Earthquake and kiss his head with so much thankful. He really happy that his Omega did not have a doubt at him at all. That's mean he choose the right Omega for him. And Thunderstorm really happy because of that.

"OK, baby. Let's meet my parents, alright? Don't worry, I will be there for you and protect you if something happen. OK? "

Earthquake nods. He then stand up and follow Thunderstorm together to come out from the room and go to downstairs. He will meet Thunderstorm's parents. He doesn't know how to give a reaction when he meet them.

And most important thing is, will Thunderstorm's parents feels satisfied with him? Earthquake already become Thunderstorm's Omega. They already make a knot to each other and at Earthquake's side neck, there already has a mark from Thunderstorm. The mate mark.

Suddenly feels energetic to finish this chapter quickly.

Sorry paddy(?), I have to make this book complete as soon as possible because I don't want to abandon this book anymore. I hope you guys ok with it. :'D

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