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"Wake up! You have yet another busy day today!" I hear Melodia say in a sing-song voice outside of my door. I slip out of my bed and get changed into the outfit she had told me to wear today, a black, grey, and red shirt and black pants. They're the most normal clothes I've seen in Capitol so far.

I join my fellow tributes in the dining room, filling my plate with eggs, hash browns, bacon and a large glass of orange juice before sitting down at a table by myself. I sit and eat in silence, watching the other tributes in the room closely.


After I finish my breakfast, I head down to the training room. I enter a large elevator that's made completely out of glass. I can see every single gear used to work it, it's quite fascinating. While watching the different cogs turn in the elevator, it comes to a halt. I didn't even realize I was at my destination, I took a deep breath in as I stepped out into the big metal room that I would spend the next three days in to train for the real games.

I can see that most of the tributes are already here, I recognize Katniss, Peeta, Glimmer, Cato, Marvel, Clove, and Rue. It's strange to see them in normal clothes for the first time.

Once the few stragglers show up, a woman named Atala introduces herself as everyone gathers around her, forming a circle. She talks to us about the basics, such as not to hurt any of the other tributes while we're here, and that it can be saved for the arena. She says that we're free to go whichever station we please to go, and that we can train with one of the instructors at each of the stations, but not with each other. She also tells us that most of us will die due to natural causes rather then other people killing us, which I was expecting.

As soon as we were allowed to go train, the careers run off to different stations, laughing and talking along each other on the way. I'm not really sure what to do, I've decided I don't really need any practice with weapons right now; I'm pretty good with a knife, so I decide to learn more about the wildlife and plants that I'd find in the arena. The first station I choose is all about edible plants, this was the most important thing I could possibly know; f I wasn't going to die by the hand of another tribute, I would surely die by eating something poisonous.

After I've spent about half an hour on the edible plants station, I've pretty much memorized everything there. From the plants I had studied, I was assuming the arena would be some type of temperate rainforest which was perfect. Back at home, I had lived by a temperate rainforest, and went into it often. I used to hunt for squirrels there, I could never find anything bigger then that. I also recognized the plants since I had to work with my father and my other sister in his plant shop. I finish up at the station and walk to one of the benches in the middle of the training centre to take a break.

I look across the metal-walled room, scanning all the faces there in search of a potential ally. As my gaze wandered to Glimmer, her cloudy blue eyes locked with mine. As much as I hate to admit it, she was absolutely gorgeous; the way her golden blonde hair framed her face, the way she held herself with such pride and effortlessness, she was practically perfect. But I couldn't help but think, is she as lethal as her looks, or is she nothing more then a pretty face.

She pried her eyes away from my gaze as she heard someone call her name, she smirked at me and left with a swish of her hair.

I decided to go over to the knife throwing station, maybe I could showcase my skills and scare off a few tributes. I walked up to the station, and stood on the black mat beneath me. There was a red and black bullseye on the metal wall of the training room. I looked over to a table to my right and examined the many knifes on it. In the end I picked up a small shiny silver dagger with a black handle. The knife felt nice in my hands, almost as if it was made specifically for me.

As I was looking down at the blade I held in my hands, a large knife with a serrated blade whooshed past my ear and landed on the third circle of the bullseye on the metal wall.
"District 5?" Asked a voice from behind me, it sounded like the voice of a little girl, but a bit more raspy. I whipped around, sending my auburn hair into my eyes. I looked at her with a puzzled expression on my face. "Bet you've never even touched a knife before." Said, the girl who I recognized as Clove from district 2.

She smirked and looked at the small dagger in my hand. "You'd be surprised," I remarked, with an equally as smug grin on my face. I aimed and threw the knife at the bullseye, it landed right in the centre with a satisfying thunk. I turned back to Clove who had a furious expression on her face, I smirked at her and walked off.


The next two days of training go well, but are boring. And the careers are just as arrogant as ever. I've learned how to make a snare for a rabbit, how to treat wounds properly with different things that can be found in the arena, and how to use a sword; even though I'm not that good at it, I still know the basics.

Now it's our final day of training, we have to go into a big room and have our skills judged by the game makers. I have to sit in the waiting room while the districts are called in one at a time, district 1 to district 12. After the boy from 4 comes out of the big black door to the room, I hear "Finch Crossley." Being called. I take a deep breath in and walk to the door, I can feel everyone's eyes burn into my skull as I open the door up.

As I walk into the enormous room, I can see the floor has racks of weapons all over it and a dummy right in the centre of the room. "You have then minutes." One of the game makers announces to me. I glance over at him briefly and walk over to one of the racks and pick up three knives with serrated edges, which apparently people call 'sawtooth blades'. I turn around from where I'm standing and aim for the head of the dummy.

I throw them all one after another, one lands in it's head, one in its chest, and one is it's stomach. I turn around and exit the room, a smile pulling at the edges of my mouth.

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