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Soon, morning came. I woke up as bright and early as possible, and walked until I could find the middle of the arena. Soon, I arrived at the cornucopia, there was a small grey table in the middle of the clearing, just big enough to hold its contents. The small table held six bags, each one was labeled with the number of each persons name and their district number and were a different size.

Apparently I was wrong about being the first one to the Cornucopia. Shit.

I could see Glimmer, Cato, and Clove. Shit shit shit. Those were the last people I had wanted to see here, well at least Cato and Clove. The three career tributes sat just out of the clearing, waiting for another unsuspecting person to walk close to them, and then make their move. They weren't doing that well in trying to hide.

Well, A for effort I guess.

Strands of my auburn hair flowed in the air as a slight breeze blew throughout the arena. My shoulder pressed against the hard and rough bark of a pine tree, causing my skin to itch. I wanted to go out and just snatch the bags, but I didn't want to take the risk of another tribute jumping out at me. I didn't know if there were any others hiding in the bushes, just like the careers were doing.

I watched as a tall figure emerged from the trees, it was Thresh. He walked towards the small and simple grey table near the cornucopia. He had no weapons in hand, but I was confident that he could crush any one of our skulls with ease in his bare hands.

Just as Thresh came close to the table, a smaller figure this time, darted out from the bushes, followed by a taller more muscular one, and a tall but thinner one. It was Clove, Cato, and Glimmer. Cato and Glimmer stayed behind, Clove. Cato held a big sword in his hand and he swung it ever so gently as he walked closer to the cornucopia. Glimmer held a sword as well, it was almost identical to Cato's, which was long with a black and gold handle.

Clove had two daggers in her hands, and held them up in the air as she charged towards Thresh. When she reached Thresh, she jumped on top of him, sending him tumbling to the ground. She stabbed the small dagger into his right shoulder. I watched as a dark crimson liquid seeped from the deeply cut wound on Thresh's shoulder. He grabbed Clove's hand that held the knife that had been stabbed into his shoulder and threw her off of his body and onto the ground.

He ripped the jagged knife out of his shoulder, the blood dripping all over his chest. Thresh discarded the knife, and began to walk towards Clove who was now trying desperately to get away from his grasp. Thresh picked her up by the collar of her shirt, as if she was nothing more than a kitten. He ripped the second jagged bladed knife out of her grasp, and threw it to the side. As I watched all of this happen from my safe spot in the bushes, Glimmer and Cato did nothing but stare.

Thresh brought Clove to the side of the cornucopia, she thrashed around her legs as her hands clawed desperately at Thresh's arms, trying to get him to drop her. "Cato!" She screamed, "Cato!" She screamed once again, I could her voice getting hoarser with every word she yelled. She said something else but I couldn't make out what she said, I was too far away and all I could see were her lips moving. Thresh could have said something as well, but his back was turned to me.

Thresh bashed Clove's head against the cornucopia until I could see her arms stop flailing and her eyes roll back in her head. A cannon went off, echoing throughout the arena. Thresh let go of her and she dropped to the ground, a trail of fresh blood following where her head had dragged down the cold, hard metal wall of the cornucopia.

Thresh then walked back to the small table and snatched up his bag as well as Clove's. Out of nowhere, Cato came lunging at Thresh, sword in hand. He quickly slashed as Thresh's chest, causing even more blood then before stain his shirt. Thresh pushed Cato back and grabbed his sword, doing the same thing with it as he did with Clove's daggers.

Glimmer stayed in her spot, watching the fight that was happening. Since everyone was occupied at the moment, I decided that this was a good time to go out and get my bag and if I had the time, someone else's bag. I dashed out of the trees and ran as fast a dude could towards the small table in the middle of the arena. But apparently I just wasn't fast enough.

I felt a hand grab by ankle and I toppled to the ground, face first, into the grass and dirt. And man, did it hurt like a bitch. I ignored the pain and took my face out of the grass, and looked back to see who had just tripped me. It was Thresh. Shit, I was done for now.

He pulled me to him as I clawed at the grass and dirt below me, in hope it would stop me from having the same painful and bloody fate as Clove. But it didn't work, Thresh dragged me further away from the table, and I began to panic. I fumbled around in my pockets in search of one of my knives, finally I got one out. I whipped it out from the pocket of my jacket, and threw it as hard as I could in the direction of Thresh. The knife landed right on his left leg, leaving a deep wound, gushing with blood. At this rate, even if he escaped, he would surely die from all the blood loss.

Thresh screamed out in pain, and picked me up, I could tell he was going to do the same thing that he had done to Clove. I thrashed around my arms and legs as he slammed me down on the wet grass. I gasped as all of the air jumped out of my lungs with the impact. He then brought his hands to me throat, and I could feel my air supply cutting of completely. I clawed at his hands but he wouldn't let go. I could feel myself begin to get unusually tired and I knew this would be my last memory.

A long knife stabbed completely through Thresh's chest, almost reaching my face. The dark crimson liquid seeped down the blade, drops of blood slowly dripped off the top of the sword. I heard a cannon go off in the distance, signalling that me was actually dead. His body went limp, and dropped onto me, but at least I could breath now. I watched as a pair of hands pulled Thresh's massive body off of me and offered me a hand to help me up. There were now only four of us left. Katniss, Cato, Glimmer, and of course, me.

I looked up to see who had just saved me, and my eyes met with Glimmers grey-blue ones.

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