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I heard the whistling again, it sounded like it was... above me?

I slowly looked up, afraid of what might be above me. A sleek black bird with piercing green eyes was perched in the tree above me; it was a mockingjay. A species of bird created through accidental mating of jabberjays and mockingbirds. They have the ability to mimic a wild range of sounds produced by humans, mostly singing and whistling.

I let out a massive breath that I didn't know I had been holding in. I jumped down from the branch of the tree I was sitting in, scraping my hand in the process. And it hurt like a bitch. I quickly took the small water bottle out from my backpack and poured as little as possible water onto it. I didn't want the cut to get infected; after all, apparently most tributes die from natural causes rather then by other tributes killing them.

I began to walk away, but then realized the snare I had set last night. Hopefully I had caught something, I was starving.

A small brown rabbit with rugged fur hung from the snare I had set, the only thing keeping it from falling was its foot. The rabbit was pretty skinny, but it would at least keep me from starving to death. I untied the rabbit the rabbits foot, and stuffed the rope into my backpack.

My stomach growled loudly, once again reminding me of how hungry I was, and I decided to make a fire and eat the rabbit right there. I looked around for some small sticks.

After finding a few sticks that were the right size, and picking up a few rocks, I sat down in a semi-clear patch in the forest. I set the sticks up and began to scratch the rocks together, trying to create sparks. I scratched the rocks together over and over again, making my hands hurt. I scraped my knuckle, sending a dark crimson trickle of blood down my finger. I ignored my scrape and continued to scratch the rocks together.

A sharp burst of light cane off of the rock; I had actually made a spark!!

I smiled and continued, pacing the rocks closer to the small pile of sticks. Sparks began to come from the rocks, and fell onto the pile of sticks. Soon, a small fire was lit and I began to cook the small rabbit on it.


I sigh loudly as I finish the remaining scraps of the rabbit. It wasn't much, but it should keep me through the day. I put out the last bits of the small fire, and discard all the unwanted parts of the rabbit I had just eaten.

I got up from the damp and dirty ground, and brushed the dirt from my pants. I began to walk in an unknown direction. Hopefully to somewhere where water would be though, I was absolutely parched.

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