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After the other tributes and I ate our lunch, we gathered around on couches and chats to watch the large flatscreen tv mounted on the wall in front of us. We would finally get to see what our scores were, I was quite nervous about it. I knew I wouldn't get the best score there, but I was hoping it wouldn't be too low.

Caeser Flickerman popped onto the screen, ready to announce the scores. "As you probably already know, the tributes are rated on a scale of one to twelve." He said with excitement in his eyes. He talked for a few more minutes, explaining things I had heard already before. And finally, he got to the scores.

"Marvel, with a score of 8"

"Glimmer, with a score of 10"

"Cato, with a score of 10"

"Clove, with a score of 9"

I looked over at the four careers who had just been told their scores, they all had satisfied looks on their faces. I ignored district 3 and 4's scores, I already knew they wouldn't make it far in the games.

"Clive, with a score of 4." I winced at the score that my male counterpart had gotten, he certainly wouldn't win. I looked over at him, his eyes glassy and his leg bouncing up and down with stress.

"Finch." I took a deep breath in and held it as I heard my name being called.

"With a score of..."


I wanted to jump up and down, my score was way better then what I thought it was going to be. I was bracing myself for a 3 or 4. I wanted to smile, but I didn't want to show anyone my emotions. After that, the only other scores I listened to were Rue's; she got a 4, the same as Clive. Thresh with an 8, Peeta with an 8 as well. And Katniss with an 11, I was surprised she had gotten a better score then all of the careers.

After the our testing and finding out the scores, I'm absolutely exhausted and I flop into my bed and fall asleep almost immediately.


"Time to get up! You have your interview today!" Melodia says in an exited voice while knocking roughly on my door. I get up and do the usual, and open up the door. Melodia walks in, along with my stylist and prep team in tow. I groan and wonder what new and ridiculous outfit they'll put me in this time. "No time for breakfast! We have to get going right away!" She adds, and i really thought the day couldn't get any worse then this.


"Put these on." My stylist says, handing me a pair of eight inch blue and red heels. I look at them in disgust, but I put them on anyway. "Now walk around." She says, moving her hand around in a circular motion across the room. I begin to walk around the room, stumbling a few times, but after a while I get used to the heels.

Over the span of three hours, my prep team, stylist, and Melodia teach me proper etiquette, how to walk in heels, and how to carry myself as I walk. Apparently, they want me to take on the persona of being enigmatic and sarcastic. They wanted me to be easy to like and possibly be able to get sponsors. After exactly three hours of perfecting my persona with my prep team, my stylist comes in and presents me with  a box containing the dress for my interview.

I change into the dress and look at myself in the mirror. It's a pretty aquamarine colour and goes down to my knees. It's ruffles and has a high waist, with a blue ribbon around my waist. The shoes are small heels and are the same colour as my dress, but they're embedded with rhinestones; they were probably my favourite thing about the outfit. "You look absolutely stunning!" My stylist says with a bright smile.

"Thanks." I say shyly while smiling subtly. My prep team starts crowd around me and usher me into a tall chair where they start to work on my makeup and hair.


After a while of sitting in the chair they finally finish, I look at myself in a mirror that's been fixed on the wall. I hated to admit it, but they had actually done a good job. My hair had been curled and was laying over my shoulders like a blanket of orange snow around my face. They put a chocker of white pearls around my neck, and blue pearls on my ears.

I'm led out of my dressing room and backstage for the interview. As I wait for my turn, I watch the other tributes, Marvel was going for the funny act.

I watched as Glimmer came into the stage. She wore a long pink and gold see-through dress with a slit on her left leg that went all the way up to her waist. "Now, Glimmer! Are you prepared?" Caeser asked.

"Yes of course Caeser, I'm very prepared" Glimmer said, flashing her pearly white teeth at the audience. She was asked about the games, and the reaping, then got into the more personal questions. "So? Glimmer, do you have anyone back at home?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

I could tell Glimmer was taken back by the question. "Well no, but..." she said, looking out at the audience and then back at Caeser. "I do have my eye on someone." She said with a light giggle. The audience mumbled amongst each other as if they were trying to find out who Glimmer was talking about. I was guessing she was talking about Cato, but who knows. Caeser asked a few more questions and wrapped up the interview with her.

Cato was just himself; ruthless and slightly charming. Clove tried to be perceived as sweet and childlike, with her cute flowy orange dress. The tributes from 3 and 4 all play the same characters, funny and cute.

I can hear Clive finishing up his interview with a last round of applause from the audience.

I take a deep breath in as I get ready to walk onto Caeser Flickerman's stage while trying to fight the urge to throw up.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Caeser boomed, "pleas welcome Finch Crossley!" He says, clapping along with the audience. I sit down next to him and cross my legs. "So, Finch." Caeser said, leaning in as if he was about to tell me a secret. "I've heard about the little nickname everyone's been using for you... what do you think about it?" He asked.

I looked at him in surprise and the audience broke out into laughter, I had no idea what he was talking about. "What nickname?" I him, raising an eyebrow.

"W-what?!" He says, "you haven't heard?" He asked me, an over exaggerated look on his face. The audience broke out into laughter, whistled and clapped as if it was the funniest thing they had ever heard of. "They've been calling you.. uh... foxface." He said.

"Oh?" I said, "is it because of the red hair?" I say, rolling my eyes.


After I finish up the interview I walk backstage and let out a huge breath I didn't know I had been holding in. I barely pay any attention to any of the other interviews as I sit down on a couch and stare at the ceiling, waiting for this to end.

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