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I can feel the bright morning light shining through my eyelids, causing me to flicker them open. Rue lays curled up beside me, she looks so peaceful. I decide to start up a fire for the two of us and then as agreed, we would part ways. I made my way out of the clearing, and into the dense forest. Rocks, leaves, pine needles, mushrooms, moss, flowers, and small sticks littered the ground. Perfect. Just what I needed. I began to walk around the forest, collecting small sticks as I went along. When i was finished I made my way back to where Rue and I had previously been. 

Rue is sitting up now, looking across the vast, crystal clear lake in front of her. She doesn't even hear me walking up to her, the plush green moss underneath my feet must be muffling the sound. "Hey." I say quietly.

Rue's head swivels around, and her dark brown eyes meet my own blue grey ones. I motion to the arm that's holding the sticks for our fire, "we can have a small fire." I say to her with an forced smile. Rue smiles, and runs up to me and takes a few of the sticks. She sets them down on the ground the same way she set them down last night, and I reach into my pocket for the box of matches I had gotten the day before. I strike one of the matches on the side of the box a few times, but it doesn't light on fire. So I take out another one and do the same with it. This time, I'm successful in lighting the match, and I lay it gently in the centre of the pile of sticks. They soon catch on fire, and Rue and I warm our hands by the small flame.

A huge gust of wind blows by, and puts out our fire. I have a feeling the game makers did that on purpose, I frown, and stand up. "Well." I say while looking at Rue. "I think it's time we part ways." I offer her my hand, and she takes it.

She hoists herself up, and brushes the non-existent dirt from her pants. "I guess so," she says with a overly exaggerated sigh. She sticks her hand out for me to shake. I reach out and put my hand in hers, my hand isn't that much bigger then hers, and I realize I'm not even that much taller then her. I shake Rue's hand and she smiles, "nice meeting you I guess." She mumbles shyly. "If I die..." she adds, her eyes getting slightly glazed over, as if she's about to cry. "Promise you'll win for me?" She asks.

"Of course." I say, a beaming smile on my face, she was just too adorable. After giving me a quick salute and a smile, Rue blots off out of the clearing, leaving me all by myself, near the glistening lake. After staring out into the woods, I finally fill up my water bottle and start to look for food.


After a long while of walking mindlessly in the forest, I began to hear something that almost sounded like... heavy breathing? It was like someone had been running for a while and stopped out of exhaustion, or they've been... stabbed and are bleeding out or something. "Holy shit..." I mumbled, the hunger games had got me thinking nothing but morbid thoughts. I decided to go investigate the noise,

I peeked around a tall, as well as wide, tree. Sure enough, someone was there. A boy who was about my height with dark hair, pretty green eyes, and freckles all over his face sat on the ground with his back to a tree. I believe this was the male tribute from district 6.

The boy had a belt strapped around his waist that looked like it carried knives; that was exactly what I had been hoping to find. He also had a bright orange backpack, that looked to be full of, well whatever was inside.

Maybe I could kill him, but with what? I needed those knives and I was starving, literally. He might have food in there, and maybe some other supplies to help me out. If I was going to make it to at least the top 4, I was going to have to get used to killing people. I couldn't survive if I didn't.

I thought back to the three days we had in the Capitol for training, maybe I could use one of the skills I picked up from there. Nothing came to mind. I thought about the rope I had in my own backpack, maybe I could strangle him? Just the thought of that sent a shiver down my spine. If I was going to kill him, I wanted it to be as quick and painless as possible. Strangling him would take too long, and I would have the chance of him stabbing me, it would leave too much time. There just had to be another way.

I watched as the boy shuffled around in his spot on the ground, he reached into his neon orange backpack, and pulled out a flask which was filled with what I assumed was water. He took a long drink from the flask before putting it back in the backpack. I sighed as I watched him, I couldn't do this. I really couldn't. I looked down at my now shaking hands, and I took another deep breath in. Just as my mother used to tell me, in and out. I racked my brain for anything I had learned in the training centre in the Capitol.

It finally hit me, how was I so stupid not to think of this first. I'd break his neck. Simple as that. I just needed him to get away from the tree so he would have his whole neck exposed. I had decided to wait.


After what seemed like hours of waiting, the boy had finally gotten up from his spot on the ground. The boy from 6 began to walk into the woods, now was the perfect time to make my move; he was alone, and clueless.

I gingerly stepped out of the bushes and crept closer to the dark haired boy. Then, I ran up to him. I placed my hands around his head, and twisted them. I heard the crack of his neck that sent shivers up and down my spine. His dead body immediately collapsed into my arms, and I could hear a cannon boom far off in the distance, signalling the end of the poor boys life. The life that I had just ended. I shivered at the though of it.

I rolled rolled the boy onto the ground and out of my arms, I grabbed the boys backpack, and his belt that carried about six or seven knives. I took the knives off of the belt, and tucked three of them into my pockets, and the other four into my backpack. I then opened up the bright orange backpack to see what lied inside.

The first thing I saw in the backpack was of course the small metal flask. I wouldn't be needing that, I had my own, bigger, water bottle after all. There was half a loaf of dark brown, slightly stale bread that he must have gotten from a sponsor. There was also a roll of bandages, and a small black velvet pouch, I took the pouch out of the backpack, and opened it up. Inside were dark, almost purple berries. Nightlock. What an idiot. Nightlock berries were highly poisonous, though the only known place they grow, other then the arena of course, is district 12. I'm glad I learned about all the edible and inedible plants that would be in the arena, or I would surely be dead by now.

I grabbed grabbed the roll of bandages and the half loaf of bread and put them into my own backpack. I then looked at the boy awkwardly lying on the ground. I couldn't just leave him like this, could I? I dragged the boy over to the tree he had previously been sitting at, and propped him up so it looked like he was sitting down with his back against the tree. I put on my backpack, and went to go look for some flowers.

Finally, I came back with a handful of primroses, daisies, and bluebells. I came up to the boy from 6, and gently placed the bouquet of flowers into his cold hands. I then walked away, I was glad that the last time his family would see him wouldn't be him brutally, painfully, and slowly murdered by someone from the career pack, but him going quickly and painlessly. They wouldn't have to see him bloodied on the ground, but among the wilderness, with flowers in hand.

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