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That night, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't get the boy from six's lifeless eyes and cold skin out of my mind. I had taken away a future. I had just taken away his families hope of him coming home safe. I had taken away his chance of starting up a family, or just living his life. I tear slipped down my cheek; that seemed like something that often happened in the games. A single tear.

But this time was different. Tonight tears poured down my face like a waterfall, and they didn't stop. From now on, I would never be the same. I had just witnessed, and caused a death. I needed to get over it though, if I was going to survive I needed to become as much of a monster as the careers.

That night, the Capitol emblem appeared in the sky as usual. Then the anthem played, and the faces began to appear in the sky. The first one was the boy from district 6; the one that I had killed. I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach, the boy seemed to stare straight into my soul with his piercing green eyes. I was relieved to see that Glimmer was alright. I wasn't so sure about Rue though. The second face to appear was the male tribute from district 10. I wasn't very familiar with him, but I knew he was quite rude. I didn't feel all that bad about him. I sighed as the sky went dark again, telling me there were no other deaths then the two boys, and that Rue was still alive and safe.

There were now only nine people left alive in the arena. Fifteen were dead.

I finally fell asleep after crying myself to sleep, I lied under a tree. I really didn't care if someone killed me tonight. I probably deserved it.


I was awoken by the sun, it was just as bright as ever. I ate the remaining strips of dried meat from my backpack, and started to walk around; hoping I would find something other then bread to eat. Now that I had my knives, I could hunt for things other then berries, maybe I could catch a rabbit or two, I definitely didn't want to set a snare again; it was really annoying to tie, and took too long.

I slipped out of my thoughts as I heard talking, it sounded like there were four or five people talking and laughing amongst each other. It must be the careers. I then realized I was just beyond the clearing where the cornucopia stood. I walked up to the bushes and trees surrounding the clearing, I could see Cato, Clove, Glimmer, Marvel, and some other dark haired boy that I didn't recognize. All I could hear from them were muffled yells. I watched as Cato walked up to the smaller, unnamed, dark haired boy, and bent down to talking to him. Cato looked like he was almost threatening the boy. Cato handed the kid a spear, and the four career tributes picked up their weapons and began to walk closer to the edge of the clearing. As they got closer I could slightly make out what they were saying.

"Who do you think is going to kill the girl from 12 first?" Clove shouted.

"I'm betting on Cato." Marvel snickered, replying to Clove.

"I'm going to get her!" Glimmer said, pumping the hand with her sword into the air.

The four of them walked off while taking about their murder plans for the girl on fire. Perfect. They had left their camp almost fully unattended, except of course for the small boy from district 3. I would surely be able to abound him; I was quiet and nimble enough to do so. In the middle of the careers campsite, there was a pile of bright, neon orange backpacks, much like my own. They must be full of supplies, and maybe even food. I noticed that surrounding the camp there were patches of dirt that looked as if it had been dug up and patted back down. They must have done something with the underground mines that were located under the platforms where the tributes stood on the very first day of the games. They must have reactivated them; I have to admit, it was fairly smart of them. They did do a good job of hiding the dug up dirt.

I decided to just go for it, who knew when the rest of the career group would come back. I dashed out of the bushes and skillfully jumped around the underground mines. I reached the pile of supplies, grabbed three backpacks, and ran back into the bushes.

I opened up the first backpack, inside was iodine, and a bag of dried meat; the same kind that I had in my backpack. The second backpack held a small blanket. The third backpack held a box of matches, an empty water bottle, and a container full of berries. I couldn't fit everything into my backpack, and I needed to keep everything as compact as possible. I kept everything that was already in my backpack, which was a box of matches, a small but full water bottle, half a loaf of bread, some bandages and some rope. I put the other box of matches, bag of dried meat, iodine, and berries in my backpack. I put the four knives that had been in my backpack into my pocket. I should have kept the belt. Could I go back and get it? The Capitol had probably already taken the body away, though I didn't leave the belt on the body... it would be fine to keep them in my pocket.

I heard the sound of footsteps and talking, I quickly pressed my body against the trunk of a tree, careful that the careers wouldn't see me. They quickly passed, and I let out a deep breath I had been holding in.

I watched through the bushes as Cato approached the boy that had been guarding the camp. Cato started to yell at him; clearly noticing that someone had stolen something. Cato then swiftly snapped the boys neck and discarded him, as if he was nothing. As if he was just another piece in the Capitols sick and twisted game.

He was.

We all were.

The shot of a cannon went off, making me jump.

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