↬ pitts ↫

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- soft couple
- a substantial height difference
- we all love a lanky king
- he's always considerate of you in practically everything he does
- boi is head over heels
- he'd move heaven and earth for you if he could
- loves holding your hand and teasing you that it's tiny
- picks you up at random times and steals you away
- especially if your in the middle on a conversation with another boy whom he doesn't like
- soooo many fucking piggyback rides
- and they are legendary.
- mostly to and from classes
- he's not just a big spoon,,, he's a mf huge spoon
- loves holding you close while you sleep so it feels like he protects you
- cheesy eskimo kisses
- he kisses you nose and tells you you're pretty everyday
- sitting on his lap when studying or doing homework
- him leaning over your shoulder to see how you're doing
- he'll buy you loads of chocolates just to eat half of them himself
- likes to show everyone you're his
- cause he's secretly insecure that you're out of his league and he's not enough :,(
- extra special cuddles with him after exam seasons cause you haven't had much time together and you miss each other
- dancing like crazy on the roof
- either meeks third wheels you two or you third wheel them
- makes you little trinkets from stuff he finds around campus
- he'd totally get you a necklace or bracelet for your anniversary

holy shit, two chapters within 24hrs!!
i'm on a fuckin roll. so if you search 'dead poets society' this book is the 4th one to show and i dunno how to feel,,,

p.s i'm taking requests again, and yes i will do nsfw ;)

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