↬ todd anderson ↫

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for @emptyliz <3

it was another long day at hellton for y/n, being the only girl in an all boys private school was not a walk in the park. though the school was very highly regarded to have the best boys in the country, that really only applied academically. practically every boy in school (including teachers) except mr keating and her friends were sexist fucks.

everyone knew welton was tough, but like all things, it was 10x tougher for women. always being called out by teachers or being the butt of every joke, not even to mention the catcalls in the halls that only landed her in trouble for being provocative when she'd literally do nothing. mr nolan warned her to not distract boys from work, but he failed to inform the boys of the school to not get distracted. as much as her friends, the dead poets, tried their best to keep her safe from all the harassment, they were about as powerless as her.

the only person she'd really talk about how she felt to was todd anderson. sweet, sweet todd was about as innocent as they came and never ever understood how people couldn't have the most basic respect for such a wonderful person. he'd always be there when she was on the verge of imploding or unable to handle anything anymore. he never really knew what to say or do, but he was there. today was one of those days.

you had stormed out of the dining hall after dinner as soon as you could and raced into your dorm, your only safe place and screamed into your pillow for a good minute before taking a deep breath. not to get into too much detail, today had been an absolute shit show. teachers were extra harsh and picked you out a lot, boys seemed extra horny, you didn't have english and when you tried to stand up for yourself, you got in extra trouble and received a lecture from mr fuckwad himself about discipline and 'knowing your place in this school'

you were completely exhausted but you knew that wherever you went it would be just like this. it was all never ending. you couldn't bring yourself to answer the soft knocking on your door, knowing it was probably todd so you just lay with your head buried in your pillow trying to detach from reality. enter a worried looking todd who had been sent by the boys to check up, knowing your only comfortable to talk to him.

"y/n?" he softly sat on the bed next to you and brushed your hair aside letting you turn your head and breathe. you knew he knew there was nothing he could say to make things better, so he just played with your hair in silence for several minutes before finally breaking.

"do you think it'll get better?" your voice still a little rough after screaming. you'd always thought about it, but you'd never said the question out loud before. there was a long pause before he replied:

"you know what, i think it will"


"yea, i do" you get up and turn to face him, wiping away a couple stray tears. he shuffles forward and envelopes you in a warm comforting hug. the thing about todd is he give the best hugs. then you move over to the far end of the bed and pat the spot next to you, he kicks off his shoes and lays down next to you.

you'd never actually seen him this close up and god was he beautiful. of course you had some feelings for him and you thought he did too, but no one ever acted on it. more comfortable silence filled the room with the distant chatter of students through the halls and steady breathing. without warning, todd lands his lips on yours softly and briefly. it wasn't exactly unexpected, but you were happily surprised none the less and quickly reciprocate. his entire face lights up and your heart melts. then he whispers:

"i want to give you all the happiness and respect in the world."

hello! i'm so sorry this is late and boring but i'm still fucking in school cause of fucking sco-mo 😒
also sorry for my non-female readers, i just felt this was an important topic and it was my only inspiration,,
stay safe, and wash ur hands u detty pigs!!
p.s tysm for 100 votes and 3k reads 🥺
-g.              👉👈

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