↬ hes jealous ↫

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request from @crashdalton :p

- is usually very proud of you
- but can get jealous too occasionally
- one day he spotted you sitting with sticks* while working on a group history assignment
- and you looked to be getting along pretty well and he got just a lil jelly
- complains to todd and charlie
- even after they explain its an assignment he's still mad
- you visit him after class and catch him sulking
- acts like a whiny baby til you coddle him
- after that he's totally fine

- poor boy can't hide his jealousy for shit
- sits so awkwardly beside you as the waiter flirts with you while you're on a date
- only looks at his lap or out the window
- you have to give him lots of cheek kisses to get him to even look at you
- you leave before even paying
- if it's a chain, it's free reign baby
- he curls into your chest that night while you stroke his hair
- whispering assurances and more forehead kisses 🥺

- this bitch is always jealous
- except when it comes to friends
- you were literally having a conversation with your younger cousin and he got jealous
- explodes on you when he confronts you
- gets pissed when you start laughing at him
- storms off to throw a tantrum
- when you finally explain he feels really stupid
- ends in needy, possessive s*x 🤭
(^totally making an imagine outta this)

- it's like his six sense when you talk to another guy
- is there at the speed of light
- makes polite conversation while also making it apparent you're together
- steals you away once he's had enough entertaining the lowlife
- makes out to remind you you're his
- fyi: jealous knox is super fckin hot
- you make fun of him until he admits he was jealous
- seeing you with someone else motivates him to be better

- stevie gets jealous quite rarely
- when he does he just talks poor pittsie's ear off about it
- doesn't know what else to do
- kinda just watches from a distance
- is open about his feelings to you
- just does it so he gets praised and loved
- he needy with some validation issues

- always scared you'll leave him
- so it's really terrifying when he sees you with someone else
- kinda avoids you so you won't notice
- but his plan is terrible cause of course you notice if he's not there
- avoids the subject with work
- but it just gets worse and he can't stay away from you any longer
- bursts into your room begging for forgiveness
- you obviously do and give him love to the moon and back
- in one way or another 😏

*in case y'all dunno, sticks is the hot dude who looks like draco potter and omfg, y'all are too much with the fairy comments in the last chapter 😭
i made a post on my profile but i'm saying it here too, if you want to financially support the black lives matter movement but don't have money, go and watch Zoe Amira's 1hr youtube video, the ads all fund organisations supporting the movement so just have the video playing in the background whenever you can :)))
p.s we reached 1k votes!!,

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