↬ you're self harming ↫

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*trigger warning ⚠️
request from @rose_reads_books, this is not a romantic topic and i've tried to make that quite clear. i know you hear this a lot but please don't be afraid to talk to me if you have no one else, and if you have someone else this is a sign to talk to them.

- you actually tell him yourself
- it's getting worse and you're getting scared
- he also doesn't know what to do
- is very grateful and proud of you for speaking up by yourself
- encourages you and goes with you to mr keating for help
- stands up to his father for the first time when he tells him he should leave you cause you're unstable
- never lets you forget your worth

- catches you in the act
- can't think of what to say or do
- he had been a bit worried about you but never imagined this
- you knew you couldn't hide so you talk to him while he cleans you
- cries with you
- feels guilty for feeling guilty cause he knows it's not about him
- listens to you and promises to get you help

- confused why you always wear his sweaters even when it hot
- also extremely confused why you won't do anything with him
- asks you in private but you refuse to talk
- tries to find ways to compromise
- so you write him a note explaining everything
- he's quite shocked to say the least
- helps you find the strength to get help and open up

- looking for a spare pen in your room
- ends up finding a razor blade you forgot to clean
- politely brings it up in private
- you were terrified cause you thought he'd be terrified
- but he offers to get you help
- doesn't pressure you to talk but listens when you do
- is with you every step on the way to recovery :))

- notices you have lots of burns but you tell him they were just accidents
- hardly believes you make that many accidents
- soon realises you don't have any candles in your room
- asks you what's really going on while studying in his room
- and you're tired of lying so you tell him
- praises you for being strong and talking
- thinks of things to do instead of actual self harm like elastic bands and red pen

- he takes off your blouse while making out
- and in the heat of the moment you completely forgot
- innocently asks what happened
- you tell him quietly while slowly breaking down into sobs
- you promise to tell him whenever you feel the need even if it the middle on the night
- is with you when you tell your parents and asks for professional help
- researches methods to distract you from your urges

hello my guys, gals and non binary pals i hope you're all well and safe, ik shits been pretty crazy and i'd love to talk to you guys if you need it <33

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