↬ knox overstreet ↫

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from @PatiencePrentice19, this for my lovely plus sized readers (^з^)-☆

"now in addition to your essay, i would like you to compose your own poem; an original piece." the class collectively groaned at the assignment mr keating set, except y/n.

"that's right! you are to read it aloud to the class." he called as he walked between the isles of the classroom towards the door, stoping in front of y/n's before bending down and muttering under his breath:

"i'm most excited so hear what you come up with." and with a wink and a warm smile he was out. boys rushed out of the room to lunch like they were starved, which they probably were since welton offered scarce meals. y/n packed her things as quickly as she could to not keep knox waiting who was patiently standing by her desk, he took some of her books and added them to his before smiling and kissing her cheek.

"excited for the assignment?" he asked as they walked down the hall hand in hand.

"i'm excited to write the poem, not as excited to read it aloud.." she admitted while piling her books into the locker, knox doing the same beside her. connecting hands again to make their way to the dinning hall.

"i know, but remember everyone is going to do it and everyone will be just as scared."

"that's true, and god poor todd!" you giggled even though it wasn't very funny. you did actually feel pretty bad for him, but this could be a good opportunity to finally get him out of his shell. knox laughed along a little too just because you looked so cute when you smiled. he'd been head over heels for you since you met which is a long time since you're neighbours, he'd never been as happy as the day you agreed to be his girlfriend.

entering the dinning hall was like entering a zoo, but as the couple neared the table full of their friends, cameron's voice was crystal clear.

"it's probably for the best if y/n skips a couple of meals if ya know what i mean huh?" he chuckled and looked at charlie expectedly but he just started daggers at him. y/n and knox has stopped in their tracks right behind the table. y/n's blood ran cold and shame washed over your body. only half hearing charlie begin to defend you, you turned and marched right back out to your room.

it wasn't the fact that cameron had said such a foul thing, it was the shame that he'd said it so publicly to your friends. with your appetite suddenly gone, you laid across your bed waiting for knox or someone to inevitably come to check on you. soft knocking brought you out of your trance and knox's head peaked into the room.

"hey princess, you're not hungry?" shaking your head solemnly in reply, he crawled over and lay behind you to wrap his arms around your torso and place his mouth near your ear.

"you know nothing cameron says matters."

"i do."

"and you know that you're perfect."


"and you know i love you very much."

"i do."

"so why are you crying?" tears had begun sliding down you face and your nose began to run.

"it's just humiliating" you sniffled. you didn't want to cry because of cameron but your body just wasn't listening to your brain. knox tightened his hold on you and turned you over so he could see your face and began kissing your cheeks. he'd lectured you about your confidence and not caring what people think probably a thousand times so he knew you didn't want to hear it again, he simply held you and kissed you. eventually the bell rang and the moment was forced to end but you spent the rest of the day knowing that you were important and cared for.

accidentally made this a female reader,, whoops hope u don't mind. also i'm so fucking terrible at endings :p
and stay tuned for some more smut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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