↬ you're abused ↫

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sorry this is so late, but this is a special request from @LadyHanaOfL for her friend, i would like to acknowledge that i don't have any personal experience so i cannot perfectly understand what it is like but i've tried my best <3

- has heard you on the phone with your parents before
- from what he's heard they don't seem like very nice people
- knows what it's like to not have understanding parents but yours seem different
- he's always been too scared to bring it up
- finds you in tears in your room
- helps you calm down before letting you talk
- your explanation of the emotional and verbal abuse broke his heart
- swore to help you all he could
- reaches out to mr k. for support

- has kinda always known
- he knows you better than anyone
- he sees how different you are around your boyfriend
- but he never wants to mention it
- he once asked neil about it but he brushed it off
- is horrified once he finds you bruised and beaten in his room
- instantly knew what had happened
- still listens to everything you say as if it's your last words
- keeps you safe and cleans you up

- knows how scared you are of your parents
- has some suspicions
- can tell when something has happened
- he never says anything he just tries to cheer you up with dirty jokes
- which usually works
- after a while you feel bold enough to speak up
- you tell him and he feels so trusted
- promises to help and protect you all he can

- he very much does not like your boyfriend
- not just cause he's jealous but he obviously treats you like shit
- you always comfort him and assure him your fine
- but knoxious knows better
- he find out when you two were arguing about him
- he starts yelling and scares you
- instantly knows what's up
- cannot and will not stop apologising
- does everything he can to get you out

- he's a clever boi, he knows
- sees how differently you act around your parents
- also sees how they treat you
- never admits to knowing
- but is always there to distract you
- listens to when you tell him
- pretends to be slightly shocked
- has a hard time fathoming how anyone could possibly hurt you
- promises to keep it a secret but also keep you safe

- honestly pretty clueless
- believes most of the lies you tell about why ur always bruised
- doesn't trust your boyfriend tho
- you feel terrible for lying but your scared to tell the truth
- one day you finally tell him
- he's completely shattered
- it takes everything you have to keep him from killing your bf
- after he's calm he listens really well
- does everything you ask of him

so my new dps book is almost ready!! this will most likely be the last chapter before a little hiatus. i can't wait for yall to read it and i hope you'll enjoy it, i'll keep you updated :)

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