2 Unfinished business

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The three of them were going through the forest for god knows how long. There was still no sight of wild pokemon anywhere. This was getting suspicious for Frank, but at the same time he didn't care all that much. Kirlia and Dustox haven't killed him yet, so they probably need him to be alive. It meant that they'll have to protect him against any threat, so he didn't have to worry about anything. Being a prisoner had its benefits.

Frank's situation would be worrying, if he had the ability to worry about major things. After all, he was an inhabitant of Javero city. People there literally didn't give a crap about anything, unless it leads to their death. Only then they decide to do something about it. Living in that hellhole made them immune to fear.

Besides Frank, he had social anxiety, and he was afraid to talk with anyone. In a way this situation he has gotten himself into was quite relaxing. He could be in school right now, which would be much more stressful than being in a quiet forest.

There were supposed to be wild pokemon, but he still hasn't seen a single one of them.

- Wasn't this forest supposed to be full of dangerous pokemon? - Frank asked.

- We're getting close to the shelter - Dustox explained. - Pokemon from here have already learned that going anywhere near our place means getting killed by Zangoose.

- You have a shelter?

- That's what we call the wooden shack we live in - Kirlia said. - Zangoose found it, then I found him, and then Dustox joined.

It sounded like this Zangoose guy was pretty important. He could be their boss or something, but it seemed like Dustox didn't really like him. Kirlia mentioned many times that Zangoose hated humans, and because she was the only psychic pokemon there, she had to read through his memory many times to fix whatever problem he had with. It was still a work in progress. At least she made him stop killing nearby pokemon for fun. Nonetheless, the locals preferred to stay away from the shelter.

- I've got one more question for now - Frank said. - How the hell did you learn to speak.

- Language - Kirlia reminded. - Also, I'm not telling you.

- Why?

- Ask Dustox.

- Nope, don't count on me, kid - Dustox refused.

- Thanks, that really helped me out - he said.

- Do you have to be sarcastic all the time? - Kirlia asked.

- Maybe if you gave me an actual answer to my question...

- ...

Kirlia became quiet for once during the conversation. The answer was too personal, if you can call it that, for both her and Zangoose to give it to a human she just met. All three of the pokemon got their ability to speak the same way, and all of them had the same traumatizing experience afterwards. Dustox wasn't as thrilled by it, because he slept through the whole thing. Sleeping was his answer to everyday problems. He didn't tell the answer to Frank, because he didn't want to make Kirlia uncomfortable. Besides, Zangoose would kill him. Those claws could easily pierce through his every vital organ at the same time.

Nobody had anything else to say, so they walked in silence. Now everyone was uncomfortable. This was probably Frank's fault. He shouldn't have asked that question. How rude was it of him. Wait, no, that was just the social anxiety kicking in.

Instead of talking shit, I mean crap, about himself, Frank took the time to appreciate the view. It was his first time so deep in a forest. The tree crowns blocked out almost all sunlight, and he had no idea what hour it was. He was getting tired, and his condition was shitty, I mean crappy, so it was probably around nine or eight a.m. Almost everything in the forest was green. Not that it surprised Frank, he's just never seen anything like this in real life. The trees were massive, and small plants were growing on their branches. If something like this grew in Javero city, then life would be much more interesting. A lot of kids would fall down while climbing and break something, but that's just natural selection in action.

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