I. Project Partner

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"Please! Stop!" Freddy pleads as the Breyer siblings surround him, towering over the boy as he sits on the ground

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"Please! Stop!" Freddy pleads as the Breyer siblings surround him, towering over the boy as he sits on the ground. "Aww is little Freddy gonna cry?" Blue asks, pouting her lips.

"No, but I think we can make him." Brett smirks, nodding to his siblings. Burke grabs Freddy, pulling him up and pinning him against a locker. "Please.. I'll do anything! Just don't hurt me." Freddy struggles to move.

Suddenly, the school bell rings, causing the three of them to lose interest in the boy. "Come on, guys. We better get to class. He's not worth our time." Blue says, flipping her hair as she walks away from the handicapped boy.


During science class, Blue obnoxiously chews her bubblegum as she twirls her hair in her finger. "Good afternoon, class. So, as you know this semester is almost over and I would like to finally announce our end of semester project! It'll be a group presentation about electricity and the way it works." Mrs. Mayfield says proudly.

The class looks around excitedly, eyeing their friends, causing conversation to erupt in the classroom. "Not so fast, everyone. I'll be picking your partners." She says, causing everyone to groan.

"I have them written down on the sheet right here. Please come take a look and your instructions will be found on your learning app." The woman states, moving away, letting everyone take a look at the paper.

Blue slowly gets out of her seat, making eye contact with Mrs. Mayfield for a split second. "Ms. Breyer. May I ask why you're chewing gum in my classroom?" The woman asks, crossing her arms.

The entire class spins around, avoiding eye contact with the Breyer teen as she would probably kill them with her glare. "Sorry, Miss." She rolls her eyes, walking to the trash can and spitting the gum out.

Freddy grabs the paper and reads closely, searching for his name. Once he does, he is frightened by what he sees. His partner is Blue Breyer. Out of everyone in this class, she was the last he would've hoped for.

"Well, Guess we're together, Freeman. Looking forward to it." Blue says as she sneaks up behind the boy, squeezing his shoulder as she approaches. Freddy shivers as chills roll up his spine.

"Great.." He says nervously, returning back to his seat. "Well, I guess I'll leave you all this period to get some work done. The rest, you will do at home." Mrs. Mayfield states, pulling out her phone and immediately scrolling through it.

Blue chuckles, watching as Freddy nervously gets up from his seat and takes a seat beside the girl. "So, I was thinking that we-"

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