VII. Power Tests

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"Ready?" Freddy asks as they prepare to test out Billy's powers at an abandoned factory

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"Ready?" Freddy asks as they prepare to test out Billy's powers at an abandoned factory. "Algebra!" Blue shouts as she whips the book up in the air, watching carefully as Billy zaps it.

"Science!" She screams again, throwing the next textbook. "Boom!" Billy exclaims. "English!" Freddy joins in, throwing another book. "I wanna do the next!" Blue yells.

"No! You already did two of them! Let me do another!" Freddy argues. "I'm doing this one." She reaches for the textbook as the two struggle to bring it towards themselves. Finally, the textbook is accidentally thrown off to the side, where billy strikes it.

The two teenagers are left, grabbing onto each other's arms, until they realize and pull away. "I gotta film this." Freddy realizes, running over to his bag.

"Go write a warning sign!" Freddy orders. "Don't tell me what to do!" She retaliates. "This is our science project." Freddy sighs. "I'm only doing this cause I want to. NOT because you told me to."

She takes a notebook, writing in large letters.




Freddy looks to the sign, adding in parenthesis

(Under the supervisions of his managers)

Then draws a skull with lightning bolts at the bottom. "You're such a dork." Blue chuckles. "Thanks." He replies, starting the video and holding the sign up to the camera.

"Write another sign for test one." He states, pointing to his notebook. She nods, running over and grabbing a sharpie.

Super Strength
Test 1

She stands in the video, holding up the paper, then moving out of the way. They begin filming, catching billy off guard as he does the floss dance.

Blue rolls her eyes, glaring at billy, who quickly goes back to plan. He runs over to a pillar, aimlessly punching directly through it with great force, then laughing.

"Perfect take! Next one is outside! Barrel shot!" Freddy yells as if he were a director on set. "Maybe he could fling it into you, Freeman." Blue chuckles.

Billy prepares to flick the barrel, and once he does, it crashes into the brick wall, denting. "No way." Blue says in amazement.

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