V. Fun Night

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Blue takes a seat beside Freddy as them and Billy look across the city horizon, filled with lights until you could see no further

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Blue takes a seat beside Freddy as them and Billy look across the city horizon, filled with lights until you could see no further.

"It's a pretty sick view. I totally get why Rocky trainer so hard to get up here." Billy says, taking a bite out of a chip. "You know, I like you like this. This is so cool." Freddy states, smiling to Billy.

Blue spins her head, averting her eyes to Freddy. "I mean, no offense but at first you were kinda the opposite of how.. of how Darla is." Freddy tried to put it nicely, causing blue to snicker.

"He means a dick." She cuts in. Freddy slaps her arm lightly, forcing her to stop. Billy yawns, glaring at the two. "No! You weren't. Never mind." Freddy says, feeling tired himself.

"Alright. Well, I feel like every criminal is either on drugs or asleep by now. Wanna go home?" Freddy asks. "Looking like this?" Billy motions towards his body and suit. "Yeah, usually we'd have, like, a lair to go to but that's long term. Right now, we have a bunk bed." Freddy sighs.

"Well, I can't believe I'm about to say this, but it was nice hanging with you. Even you, Freeman." She smiles, getting up. "Don't get used to it though. My house is pretty close to here. I better get home or else my dad will kill me. Quite literally." The girl spins around, leaving Freddy and Billy to themselves as she throws her hoodie over her head.

"Literally?" Freddy asks, turning to billy, the latter of which shrugs in response.

Blue walks through the bright streets of Philadelphia, checking her surroundings every now and then. Once she makes it home, she slowly unlocks the door, creeping inside. "Alright, I'll go grab a blanket." Mr. Breyer says, slowly walking down the steps.

Blue gasps, backing away against the living room wall, leaning on it carefully. Once again, Brett appears from the stairs, glaring at his younger sister. "Come on!" He mouths, motioning with his hand.

The girl quickly, but quietly, runs over, being pushed up the steps by the boy. "Thanks, Brett. I owe you big time." She whispers, lightly shutting her door and jumping into bed. She lies on her back, staring up at the ceiling. She can't seem to wipe her stupid smile off of her face, chuckling to herself.

Suddenly, her door creaks open, putting a pause on her chuckles. She sits up, watching her two brothers enter the room. "What? I'm tryna sleep." She whispers. "Why were you home so late?" Burke asks, crossing his arms. "Yeah, we cant cover for you forever, Blue." Brett adds.

"Guys, I'm sorry. I was.. out with- friends." She scrunches up her face. She wouldn't call them friends. She isn't quite sure what they are. "Who?" Burke asks. "It's not important. It's like- one in the morning so can I please go to sleep?" She asks in frustration.

"Not until you tell us who it was." They repeat. "God, why do you guys care so much. Look, I wasn't out with friends. I was working on my project with Fredd-" she pauses for a moment, sighing. "With Freeman, alright? It got late cause we were really in the zone." She lies.

"You starting to like this kid?" Brett questions. "Gross. Never." Blue says in disgust, gagging. "Good. Alright, fine. Pull something like that again, we won't cover for you, got it?" Burke asks, glaring at his sister.

"Got it." The blue eyed girl sighs, watching them quietly leave the room. "Assholes." She mutters, before looking out the window to the bright city, finally shutting her eyes closed.

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