VI. Ditching School

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Brett, Blue, And Burke finally make it to school in the large black truck, obnoxiously parking right in the front

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Brett, Blue, And Burke finally make it to school in the large black truck, obnoxiously parking right in the front.

Blue pushes the door open, beginning to strut through the crowd of kids ahead, who fearfully clear the path for her. Brett and Burke follow shortly behind, catching up to their sister.

Suddenly, the sound of the ignition is heard behind them to slowly spin around. "Um..Burke?" Brett asks. "Where's the truck?"

Burke rummages through his pocket, picking out the key and clicking the alarm button. The beeping is faintly heard, yet not seen. The three stare around in confusion, finding no sign of the convertible.

"I can hear it." Burke says, squinting his eyes. "I think I've got a pretty good idea where it went." Blue crosses her arms, her top lip curving up into a smirk. Blue suddenly jumps due to being startled as the truck crashes onto the road, as if fallen from the sky.

"Oh, my god!" Brett lets his mouth hold agape as Blue gasps. "My truck!" Brett yells. "You know, guys?" Freddy asks, limping over with a camera attached to his helmet. "I don't think that's gonna buff out." He smiles to the blue eyed girl, patting her shoulder.

"Cute." She says sarcastically, squinting her eyes at him. "I know I am. I'm adorable. See you in science class." Freddy shouts, heading off back into the school.

"Well, there goes my ride to school." Blue sighs, shrugging it off, leaving her brothers to mourn the loss of their beloved truck.

Blue arrives in class, taking a seat next to a random boy. Freddy walks over, slamming his hand onto the table to grab the girl's attention. The presence of Freddy alone caused the other boy to scram. The curly headed boy shrugs, looking to the brunette ahead of him. "Hey. Billy and I are ditching to go test out his powers. Wanna come?" He asks.

Blue raises her eyebrows, smirking. "Hell yeah." She grins, getting out of her seat and sneakily following Freddy out the door. Once they get out, they meet billy in the hall. "Hey. How'd you switch back?" Blue asks. "He can switch by saying Shazam. Isn't that awesome?" Freddy exclaims.

Blue pauses for a moment, chuckling. "What?" Billy asks. "That's literally so pathetic." She states. "Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I could reset my name! Oh wait, I can't because the wizard that told me to say it died, okay?!" Billy argues.

"Wow. You guys are so uptight. Live a little." She says her famous phrase with a gentle smile, nudging Billy. "What are you two? An old married couple?" Freddy jokes, mocking Billy. "Oh, please. You wish it was you." Billy responds. "I don- I do not!"

"Okay, okay. Freddy, go in the teachers lounge and grab a coat." Blue cuts in, stopping by the wooden door. "Why me?" Freddy asks. "Just do it, Freeman." She raises her eyebrows. "You know what? Fine." He sighs, slowly opening the door and slipping in.

While Freddy searches inside, blue and Billy keep watch. "So. How long have you and Freddy been talking?" Billy asks. "Oh. Well we've known each other for a while but whenever we spoke, I was making fun of him." She shrugs, no shame.

"Oh." Billy sighs, awkwardly staring around the halls, not so patiently waiting for Freddy to exit. Finally, he does, throwing the jacket at Blue, who winces, but catches it. "Making the crippled kid do the dirty work. Wow." He says sarcastically.

"We're better lookouts! We can play innocent!" Billy argues. "And I can't?" Freddy argues. "Your face gives off a very strong vibe of someone who's hatching schemes." Billy states.

"Hey, ElectroLoser. You're right, but who the fuck says hatching schemes?" Blue asks. "Shut up." Freddy and Billy say at the same time, leaving the girl speechless at the moment. "Also. My face? This Face?" Freddy asks. "Yeah." Billy shrugs. "Okay." The boy rolls his eyes in disbelief.

The three of them try to casually walk past the guard, yet he catches them in the act. "Hey, you got a hall pass?" The man asks. They all slowly turn around, putting on their most innocent faces. "Oh, us?" Blue asks.

"Yeah. Always." Freddy adds. "You. You look like you're up to something." The guard stands up, squinting his eyes at Freddy. Blue places her palm on her mouth, blocking her laugh, yet let's out a quiet squeak.

"Who, me? Up to something? No. Never! I'm never up to something." Freddy says suspiciously. As Blue struggles to hold back her laughs, she wraps her arm around the boy, tapping his shoulder. "There, there, Freeman. You'll get it someday." She whispers. Freddy looks to her for a moment, not bothering to move her arm.

"Our dad is picking us up. He got held up at the.. the business office." Billy motions between him and Freddy as he struggles to come up with an excuse, sighing as the guard doesn't seem convinced. "The business office, huh? Sure, kid."

Billy sighs, looking to the ground. "Parents or guardians must appear physically to check out students." He states. "Gotcha! Well, uh- you hear that dad?" Billy asks, walking into the hallway.

"Shazam!" He whispers, leaving a loud explosion as he transforms, walking back out proudly. "Well, hey there, son!" He looks back into the hallway. "Well hey there other son that's related to that son I just passed in the hallway." Billy stands confidently, smoke still arising from his body.

"Oh, look. You brought your girlfriend too? Didn't you?" He asks, grabbing blue's cheek and pinching it, causing the angered girl to slap his arm away, continuing to smile innocently. "I'm so sorry I'm late! I got held up at the business office.. doing all the work stuff." He states.

"This is the security guard that all the kids admire so much!" Billy exclaims. "Oh." The guard smiles kindly to them, confident.

"No. That's the other one. This one sucks." Freddy jokes. Blue, with her arm still wrapped around his shoulder laughs, but then stops as the guard glares straight into her blue eyes. "That's not funny! I'm gonna talk to them about that. I apologize." Billy says angrily, watching blue struggle to keep a straight face.

"So, this is me appearing physically to check my sons and my son's girlfriend out of school so thank you for keeping them safe." Billy smiles, grabbing Freddy and Blue, pushing them towards the hallway. "Thanks, officer moron!" Blue calls out.

"It's Moran." The guard says, sighing.

"I'm aware!"

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