III. ElectroLoser

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"Lights out

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"Lights out. Blue, dear, you heading out?" Rosa asks the brunette, who simply nods. "Have fun with your- uh. Meet up, Freeman." She begins walking out of the room, but feels her wrist being grabbed.

She winces for a moment, quickly pulling it away and spinning around to face the boy. "What the fuck, Freeman?" She asks angrily, looking down at her wrist that was already bruised from her father.

"That guy's suspicious! I'm not doing this alone." Freddy says. "Since when do you want me anywhere near you?" She asks, crossing her arms. "Since you got involved. Might as well come. You're a Breyer after all. If it's not billy, you can watch me die." Freddy says.

"Look, I may be a Breyer, but I'm not an asshole. At least, most of the time I'm not. I wouldn't wanna watch you die, kid. Plus, where's the fun when I can't annoy you anymore?" She chuckles. "Stay with me and I'll do your homework for a whole month." Freddy suggests.

"Deal." Blue smiles, watching Freddy put his hand out once again. "You should quit doing that. Still not gonna touch your gross hand." She looks down awkwardly at the boy, who slowly brings back his hand.

"That's not what you did befo-" Blue places her palm on his mouth, glaring at him. "Another word from you, and I'm leaving, Freeman. Got it?" She asks. He simply nods, then gets up, leading themselves out of the house.

They arrive outside, finding the strange man standing by a nearby car. "Oh, oh, oh! Thank god!" The man says in joy as the two teenagers approach. "Great, Blue. Great idea. Get yourself kidnapped with Freddy fucking Freeman." Blue mutters under her breath, rolling her eyes.

"Hey! Stop right there! How do we know  you're not a supervillain using telepathic abilities to make us believe you're Billy!" Freddy says, approaching the man and holding up his phone. Blue rolls her eyes, awkwardly standing behind him.

"Freeman, you're such a nerd. Plus, YOU believe he's billy. I'm pretty sure we're about to die." She says in annoyance. Freddy ignores her, continuing to glare at the superhero. "All I have to do is press dial on this thing." Freddy states, holding up the phone with 911 already dialed in.

"No! No! I have proof!" The man reaches into his bag, causing Blue to back away more, afraid of what he'd pull out. "Look, I lied, okay? I took your bullet." He says. As he takes the plastic ziplock bag out, the bullet falls trough the sewer drain, never to be seen again.

"No!" Freddy yells. "Ugh! Stupid adult hands!" The man yells. "But you saw it! You saw it, right? Look, Freddy, I swear it's me. Look, I know that we're not close friends or anything but you're the only one I know that knows anything about this cape crusaders stuff." Billy says in frustration.

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