XI. ElectroMoron

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"Morning." Blue smiles as she joins Billy and Freddy at the stairs leading to the school. Neither of them respond as they simply glance at her for a moment. "Why am I still doing this?" Billy asks, falling behind the two others.

Blue and Freddy spin around. "You cant just skip school everyday." Blue says. "Not at your age. I'm not your age anymore." Billy says, beginning to walk off. "But, we can go with you! We just gotta trick the guard out, you know, and- where are you going?" Freddy asks.

"You're still gonna eat lunch with us, right? Billy! Sir-zaps- a lot is still gonna eat in the cafeteria, right?" Billy doesn't respond and simply walks away, leaving the two alone.

"He's not coming, is he?" Freddy sighs. "I don't know what to tell you, Freeman." Blue shrugs.

"I'll just call him." Freddy says anxiously as he is surrounded by the entirety of the students in the cafeteria, waiting for red cyclone to appear. Blue walks into the room, confused. "Guess the red cyclone isn't coming." Burke smirks, nudging Brett.

Blue sighs, shoving through the crowd of kids, who undoubtedly let her through. Freddy looks up at her, his face spread with worry. Freddy pulls out his phone. "It's ringing." He whispers.

"Red cyclone, hey!" He exclaims. "Hey, what's going on? Oh, that's crazy! Yeah, it's Freddy, by the way, yeah! That is crazy! Great story-" Freddy is cut off by a girl beside him who takes his phone, looking to it with a smirk.

"Hey, give that back to him." Blue angrily reaches out, yet the girl pulls it away. "He's not talking." She laughs, showing the phone, causing everyone else to erupt in laughters.

"I was! I was!" Freddy shouts as everyone clears the table, leaning only Blue, Freddy, Brett, And Burke.


Blue sighs, walking up to her brothers. "Guys, let's be reasonable here, he's a superhero! He's busy, right?" Blue tries to stop them, yet they simply shove past her.

"Guys! You can't just-"

"Shut it, blue. Or I'll tell dad again." Burke turns around, crossing his arms as Brett holds Freddy down. "It's not fair. He's younger than you two and he's handicapped!" She continues. "I'm not afraid to talk to dad, Blue. Leave it."

"What are you gonna tell him? To just hurt me more?! I don't care anymore! I'm already bruised!" She shouts. Freddy watches the girl, widening his eyes. "Your dad gave you those?" He asks in disbelief. "You have ten seconds." Burke warns.

"Blue, it's fine. I'm used to it. Just go." Freddy spits out. "Go. I don't want dad to hurt you again, either." Brett joins in. "I'm sorry, freddy." She sighs, sadly making her way out of the cafeteria.

"I'm really sorry for leaving you there." Blue apologizes as the two slowly climb up the stairs leading to Billy, who seemed to be having a performance. "It's fine. I told you, I'm used to it."

"Well, you shouldn't be used to it." Blue replies. "You shouldn't be living in a house where your dad hurts you. It's not right." Freddy adds. "Life's not right."

"Hands! Lightning with my hands! Lightning with my hands! Lightning with my hands!" Billy exclaims, shooting the air with pride.

"Hey!" Freddy calls, grabbing his attention. "Hey, young man and woman.." Billy trails off, watching as Blue angrily kicks his speaker away.

"Woah, Woah! What are you doing?! I'm in the middle of a show right now!" He yells. "Can I help you?!"

"We just wanted to say thank you for showing up to lunch today." Freddy says. Billy sighs. "I got a little something called a suitcase wedgie, right? I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but It's when someone grabs your underwear like that and holds you like a suitcase, walks you down the hallway." Freddy says, motioning with his hands.

"And this.." Freddy pulls out a ripped piece of cloth from his bag. "Was my underwear." He whacks it at Billy, causing the audience around to laugh.

"Gross." Billy says. "You said you'd come." Blue speaks up. "You said I would come! I never said I would come! I'm a superhero, dude!" Billy argues. "Well, you're acting real heroic." Freddy replies sarcastically.

"How many people are paying you today?" Blue crosses her arms. "Listen, I have serious responsibilities now, okay? But that's cool, because I can carry that burden with my hands, lightning with my hands!" He exclaims, shooting the bolts out of his palms, one landing directly on a far road, hitting a city bus.

The bus uncontrollably rolls off the road, leaving everyone in shock. Billy's eyes widen. He immediately speeds to the bus. "ElectroLoser? More like ElectroMoron." Blue mutters.

"This superhero stuff is making him a real dick." Freddy states as they begin their journey to the fallen bus. "I know, right? I mean- he's worse than my brothers, and that's saying something."

"I shouldn't have dragged you into this. I could've just done all the work myself." Freddy sighs. "No, this was the funnest thing I've done in a long time. Plus, I didn't really have any friends before this.."

"So, you're saying we're friends?" He smirks. "Maybe." She chuckles. "I'm glad to hear."

"Don't get too cocky." She nudges his shoulder. "I can't promise anything."

"Oh, look. There's the dumbass." Blue rolls her eyes, pointing to Billy. Billy looks to them, smiling widely. "Guys! Guys! Guys! Did you see that?!" He exclaims.

"Yeah! You electrocuted a bus and almost killed these people!" Freddy shouts angrily. "And then I caught it! Freddy, I caught a bus with my bare hands, man! I caught a bus like people catch flying balls, like who does that? I do that!" He argues.

"Billy, you do nothing. You take selfies and make people pay you. Forget it, I can't really talk to you when you look like this." Freddy sighs. "You just wish it was you!" Billy comments.

"No shit! You think? I would kill to have what you have!" Freddy begins frustratedly as blue stands beside him. "Because everything I do is like some attempt to get people to notice me, to not feel sorry for me. I mean, look at me! Look at me! Do you even see me? Because most people don't, because they don't want to. And, now you don't either."

Billy sighs, awkwardly looking off to the side. "You think this is who you are? Billy, you're 14! And now, you're no better than the Breyers, no offense." Freddy continues. "None taken." Blue mutters out once again. "All this power, and all you did was turn into a show off and a bully."

Freddy turns around, beginning to walk away. "Not cool, dude." Blue shakes her head, following the boy. "Whatever, kid! I do what I want! And I'm like mid-twenties, probably! Maybe, even, like, thirty!" Billy shouts, yet the two aren't listening.

Right as they're gone, trouble arrives behind.

Thanks for 200 reads :)

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