IV. Register Robbery

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The three of them arrive at a nearby corner store, with the plan of getting alcohol

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The three of them arrive at a nearby corner store, with the plan of getting alcohol. Blue chuckles, watching Freddy hesitantly stand outside. "Gee, Freeman. Scared of breaking the law? Come on, everyone does it. Why do you think I have this?" She smirks, pulling out a fake ID, causing the boy's eyes to widen.

"You've used that before?" He asks in shock. "Hell yeah, I did." She chuckles. Unexpectedly, the curly headed boy quickly grabs the card, throwing it far away into the bushes. "Hey! That cost me a lot of money!" Blue screams, slamming his arm.

"So will your medical bill." Freddy replies, then pushes the door open, letting it ring. "Youre gonna need a medical bill after I punch you." Blue says angrily. "Save it til after the project." Freddy responds, entering the store. Blue rolls her eyes, slowly following and standing beside the boy as they hide themselves behind billy.

"I'd like to purchase some of your finest beer, please." He says in a manly voice, causing blue to slam her palm into her forehead. "Why isn't one of his superpowers dumbassery, again?" She asks, turning to look at the boy beside her.

"I mean.. I guess you have a point." Freddy sighs. "Don't agree with me. It makes me uncomfortable." The blue eyed girl mutters, then turns back away. Freddy scoffs, his lip twitching, something he only does when he's amused.

The woman at the counter watches Billy, looking him up and down before pointing him towards the freezers, where he confidently follows. Behind him, Freddy and Blue stand, eyeing the woman before following behind.

They look through all the brands, not sure which to pick. "Ooh! Take this one. I've tried it before. It's super good." Blue exclaims, pointing at a blue can. Billy and Freddy glare at the girl, who only mutters a 'what?' In response.

"I don't know about this. I mean, we don't have a fake ID." Freddy says hesitantly. "Yeah, cause you practically threw mine into space." Blue fires angrily. "Save your money for you medical bill, Breyer!" Freddy yells.

"Quit calling me that, Freeman!" She crosses her arms. "You can do it, so I can!" Freddy argues back.

"I can hurt you, but you can't hurt me."

"Uh-uh. You can't hurt me as long as we're doing this project."

"Oh, I will if you don't shut the f-"

"Jesus Christ, you two. Quit with the fighting! What are you? An old married couple?" Billy cuts in, frustrated. Blue huffs loudly, walking over to the opposite side of Billy, furthering herself from Freddy.

"Yeah, Like i'd ever marry this loser." She mutters. "Freddy, would you relax? Look at me! I am the fake ID!" Billy says. Freddy chuckles, smiling softly.

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