XV. Arrested

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[short chapters ahead]

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Pedro asks as Billy places the eye back in its place, where a cage forms around it

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"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Pedro asks as Billy places the eye back in its place, where a cage forms around it. "Told ya!"

The sins return to their statues, now stuck in place. "You guys know what this place is, right?" Freddy asks. "A dark haunted cave with demons inside?" Darla asks.

"Well, Yes. But, also..."

"Lair! We got a lair!" Billy exclaims. "Hell yeah!" Blue smiles.

"What's a lair?"

"Well, I better go home." Blue chuckles nervously as she stands by the door, putting on her jacket. "Tonight was.. crazy."

"Yeah, super crazy." Freddy nods. "And I realized something.." She sighs, looking directly into the boy's eyes. "What'd you reali-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Blue leans forward, placing a kiss on his lips. The two pull out, wide eyed. "Woah." Freddy mutters. Blue smiles, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Goodnight, Freeman." She chuckles. "Goodnight.." He replies, still in shock. He watches her walk away, hands tucked into her pockets until she's fully out of view.

"Finally!" Darla squeals from behind him, jumping in excitement.

Blue arrives outside her home with a large smile plastered on her face. The smile drops as she notices her brothers outside, with police cars surrounding the whole area.

"Let me go!" Mr. Breyer says angrily as the cops push him into the car. Brett runs over to his sister, engulfing her in a hug. "Holy shit! Where have you been?" He asks worriedly.

"Who called the cops?" She asks. "I did." Burke says, stepping up and wrapping his arms around her. "I'm so sorry, Blue. I shouldn't have been such a dick."

"It's alright." She smiles. "Where are we gonna live now?" She asks curiously. "Good question." A woman says as she walks up behind her. "I've got a family who's been looking for the twins, although they don't want a girl." She says, eyeing Blue.

"So, you're saying we'd have to be separated?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I'd like to take you to the office where we can find you a family immediately. You may say your goodbyes now, as Brett and Burke are to leave as of now."

Blue sighs, turning to look at her brothers. "Cheer up, blue. We'll see you at school, right?" Brett smiles, giving her one last hug. Burke joins in. "I'll miss you guys, though." She sniffles.

"We won't be too far."

"Are you boys ready?" A smiling couple asks from behind them, waiting patiently. "Yeah." Burke nods. "Bye, little sis." He waves. "Bye.."

"Come along now. I'm hoping to get you a family by Christmas." The woman says, taking Blue's hand and leading her to the car.

𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓 [F.Freeman]Where stories live. Discover now